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  1. the reveal...
    9 points
  2. I really felt like riding somewhere, I missed being on the bike, but had no real plan or destination that I felt like visiting. Called my friend that owns a small hotel and booked a room, at least now I had a destination and with my favourite restaurant next to it as a big bonus. It was supposed to be getting warm but I had no plans to do sightseeing so that wasn't bothering me much. I had some delays, and missed a little bit of the morning, it was almost 10 by the time I made it to the Douro riverside, stopped for a coffee. Rode up the Douro, temperature was perfect in the morning, around 25º, couldn't ask for better. Stopped for a phone call By midday I had gotten to around Regua and temperatures shot upwards of 30º, to then stay between 36 and 38 the rest of the day. The Douro valley absolutely cooks in the summer, and this area here is the hottest, also where the best wine is made so that climate probably works. Took some of my favourite small roads near the river, quite narrow so two cars really have to squeeze to pass each other. I regretted not bringing a snack from home, as this would have been a perfect lunch stop. I had decided to try to not look at my phone for navigation, to make it a little more challenging. I did end up in a couple of dead ends as some of these roads just lead to a small train stop by the river, but then again they are nice roads so doing them twice isn't a chore: At around 3PM, now overheated a little, so stopped for a snack in an air conditioned cafe. Just after the cafe starts a road I know well and found by chance a few years ago. It felt nice to put my now cool helmet and jacket, and walked back out to the 38º heat feeling refreshed. I took the tiny road away from the tourist route, I love this tiny road, shame it's not very long as I could ride it all day long. Continuing farther north, and now away from the river, the landscape changes A stop under some shade to drink what was now quite warm water, blergh! I think I'll try to find some thermal fleece I can use to carry water bottles. Bike safely tucked away for the night, in time for a cool shower and a little relaxation in the air conditioned room, I think I did around 500 or something kms with no navigation except to get out of Bragança (a big town) after fueling up, pretty happy with that. I had high hopes for dinner, but little did I know I would almost risk my life that night... a 20 minute walk to the restaurant, first through a small village, most people living here are of pretty advanced age even though they still work the land, now taking the cool evening to relax outside. I named it Pig McQueen, runaway pig making everyone chase him around the village, look in the distance in the street: Lovely meal, along with pretty chilled red wine because fuck the rules! After dinner, conversation was struck and a few of us stayed out enjoying the cool night and having a drink. Some played cards, and I was very surprised to learn that spanish cards are different, wtf? People might have gotten silly, and we even had magic performed: At a little past 1 I headed back, now taking a short route along a road, I noticed a car with high beams on coming from behind me, I looked back and only had a moment to jump out of the edge of the road onto the bushes. This was on the outside of a wide enough corner, but the driver was either drunk or asleep and the car had one wheel already out of tarmac and where I was walking. They didn't stop. Diving to the bushes scratched the shit out of my arm and hand, ripped my tshirt but I was happy to get to bed safe and sound, even though I just plucked a few more tiny thorns from my had just now, a day later. Blackberry bushes! My plan was to wake up early and get out while still cool outside. Staying up late the previous day and a very sore arm and neck caused that plan to completely fail as I sat down for breakfast at well past 9 I had a big day ahead, again trying to not look at navigation and just follow street signs, now in a part of Portugal I don't really find easy to navigate. First couple of hours were very easy as I know those roads quite well, quite fast and flowing, in contrast to the previous day. Stopped for some water in a very cool village near the Serra da Estrela, very old and built amongst huge boulders. Drinking warm water was appreciated, though. Another stop, now to check some emails. This town was very nice, looked great and tidy inside the castle walls too. I'll surely come back with more pleasant weather, as the heat was on full force now. From there to the top of Serra da Estrela was a breeze, in less than an hour and we're at the tallest place in mainland Portugal, temperature there was very enjoyable at 22º, provided some brief relief. The road climbing from Gouveia up is just great, so I didn't stop and took it in a nice rhythm. At the top and on the other side: No more pictures, from there on there was another 4 or 5 hours to get home. Stopped for fuel at a nice gas station with very friendly staff, and sat down enjoying their AC and a bottle of very cold water for a while. I almost didn't want to leave. I hope it'll cool a little over the next days, so that I can at least enjoy a short ride or two from my place. Today was another 600km, that's the sort of distance @Earache does before breakfast and it took me most of the day
    9 points
  3. But it got better. I turned off of the highway and down a dirt road towards my destination. Rode about 45 miles of this to get to the canyon I wanted to ride.....
    9 points
  4. Todd got popped for 94 mph in a 65 mph zone....and the cop let him off with a friendly warning. Lucky fucker....
    9 points
  5. Before getting to the top, I stopped to take a few pictures.
    8 points
  6. Passed an old homestead out in the middle of nowhere just outside of the canyon. Tough living out here back in the day. But it's a stone house (Pete would have loved it) as there are no trees to get wood from . Truck looks to be from the 1940's era ...
    8 points
  7. Finally made it to the reason I came here in the first place. Some high quality glyphs not too far off of the road ...
    8 points
  8. And finally into the canyon. And get this; it's paved! None of the roads for 40 miles around it are, but it's very nice tarmac. Weird.
    8 points
  9. Managed to bag a Ride in a Cessna 150 with a friend who's a flight instructor in La Grande.... we flew over the north end of the Grand Ronde valley where Elgin is located... We flew over an area known as Palmer Junction....amazing how different the perspective is from 3k+ ft. up.... I swear....the next best thing to riding on the ground!
    8 points
  10. one of my fvorite loops south, truncated becuase I didn't leave home till gone 3 for verious reasons and wanted to be back in taime to accompany Mrs and the girls to the village 14th July party. 260 ish km took the back roads to Planchez, then did the sempiternel "planchez - Chateau Chinon" which I prefer in the other direction but still a cracking road. Fuelled at Chateau Chinon and had to spend 5 minutes cleaning spilt deisel of my boots, the forcourt of the filling station was fucking swimming in it! shan't be going there again. My original plan had been to cut across country from there to Glux en Glenne before turning north to Moulins Engilbert but given the time and the fact that i fancied some faster curves rather than the tight twisties I'd had up to then, I elected to take the more majour road westwards to Chatillon en Bazois and turn north from there back via corbigny, Bazoches, Vezelay and chatel Censoir. took a couple of pics on the way somewhere between Auxerre and planchez in the Morvan, a rare straight line through the woods Chastellux sur Cure middle of nowhere on an unamed road in the morvan forest , a memorial to 15 allied airmen who died in a mid air colision whilst parachuting arms to the local resistance cell (camille) the 18th july '44. aparrently they managed to parachute in numerous arms between July and september 44 including a jeep and two British 57mm field guns! Chauteau d'Aunay, nothe the two artillery pieces... I wonder if they're the same two 52mm field guns? got home in time to shower before trotting down to the square and pretend to be an actual human being for a couple of hours...
    8 points
  11. He's not my type - too short.
    8 points
  12. And when it was dirty he always made sure it had a good wash
    8 points
  13. You’re … You’re welcome
    7 points
  14. Scott was arranging things for her to go stay, at least for a few months, with him and his family in Holland.
    7 points
  15. It's a lovely day here. Perfect morning, riding in this weather is bliss and happy times on a motorcycle, 22º in the morning, 28º now. A few cool and interesting bikes there like that CB1300 in the distance and a Guzzi with stickers from all over, but I just took this picture. I really do not fancy those new 1300 BMWs A nice hour on the bike, chatting with Dani over a burguer, now relaxing, Sofia might come by for dinner, maybe one of the most perfect days in a while. Tomorrow the heat comes back and I'll boil.
    7 points
  16. You'll look good on it - regardless of what the others say....
    7 points
  17. So naturally, I got lost as fuck and spent 3 hours trying to find my way out. I kept making 20 mile long circles that led me back to where I started. It was now about 100F and I'm sweating like a pig and wishing I was drinking a cold beer someplace. I came upon my track in (the only tracks on the road due to the rain) and followed it back out. And to add to the fun, I'm almost outta fuel ...
    7 points
  18. This is a really weird canyon. The paved section is about 80 miles long and it just ends into the dirt. There are several trails leading out but all are unmarked and don't show up on my GPS ....
    7 points
  19. My youngest was completely bent out of shape today because I gave her sister a driving lesson. So I took the green eyed monster out for a ride to placate her. Plus it was an excuse to go for an ice cream. I rode out to Fowey across to join the A390 then Down to Lostwithiel then on through West Taphouse then took the Looe turning just before Middle Taphouse. The followed 10 miles of quick B roads to Plynt, bloody glorious. From Plynt on to Polperro Cross and down into Looe. Free parking for bikes was packed but we squeezed in. We walked on down through the fish quays to the Lifeboat House and stopped for my Shadow to eat her ice cream. Lots of lobster people around. Walking back through Looe Main Street Shadow made some new friends We came back via the A30 the A389. Had a minor tussle with Fire Blade but that was only going one way much to Shadows disgust. Twas a good couple of hours though and cracked the first 1000 miles on the CBF.
    7 points
  20. & now for the Wheeled hardware.... An L-29 Cord...that's actually FWD Early 30's Packard Phaeton....so clean you could eat off of it... Man, I'd love to own this Truck!...
    7 points
  21. Did two mri today, one to each knee. I’ve had some pain on and off over the last few years. Had two small naps, so am feeling sort of sleepy. Then went to a local Honda and BMW dealership in search of a jacket. I was suprised to find hundreds of bikes outside, music, BBQ, and beer. They were doing their anual saturday event and I was sorry to only show up mid afternoon and not for lunch. Mastodont: I think this looks really nice, I want an RT eventually: Wouldn’t know what to do with one of these, but wings do look mean as fuck: Pete would bite his nails looking at two of these in stock and available: A test ride NX500, I took the picture because a friend is interested and might travel to test ride one. The party was dying outside, and most bikes were already gone. I managed to have a cold beer before going.
    7 points
  22. Good sky here tonight and no Pete I didn’t use photoshop
    7 points
  23. All go for me today 85 miles to Tavy and back today, then 40 mile round trip to Damerells bike night tonight. Twas my mate Martyn’s 63 birthday so would have been a bit churlish to say no when he messaged me to go. My Shadow was off horse riding so I got to go out on my own. Some interesting bikes there Two biker groups turned up and stared at each other from either end of the car park, lots of shiny Harleys and Indians but not much that took my interest.
    7 points
  24. @Buckster and his partner @Marcel le Moose Fondler
    7 points
  25. Last day of riding and we left Riverton, WY at 0600 and headed south. Windy as fook today - the interstate was closed at 2:00 PM due to 60+ mph winfs that were blowing motorhomes and truck trailers over. Nasty stuff. Had lots of this to cover on our way...
    7 points
  26. Got a cryptic message from Martyn asking if I fancied a ride for breakfast in the morning. So I got up to 4Turnings roundabout for 10:00am. Shadow in tow as always. Anyway Martyn was there with his V85T Guzzi, then Andy turned up with his Triumph Scrambler 900 and of course Gary with his 1973 Bonnie. Martin said he had found this place called Rainbow Bikes near Ashburton in fucking East Devon. I asked him what he was taking us to he said don’t worry they are legit and have a good trip advisor rating for the food. So off we went, got 5 miles to the first junction and we lost Gary, fucking broken down. Why he rides that museum piece I don’t know. Anyway Andy goes and rescues him and takes him to get a spare clutch cables as that was all it was. Martyn and I headed up to Saltash for him to get fuel. while they fixed the Bonnie. To be fair they were only 20 minutes behind us but Gary was spouting some story about how he got to 85 to catch us up, normally he reckons he can’t see above 70 because of the vibes. Old Triumph speedos, I don’t know. Anyway reunited we blast, well I say blast but sat at 65 for Gary is probably closer to the mark, up the A38 Devon Expressway to Ashburton and Rainbow Bikes. Turns out the rainbow comes from them being an electric scooter and bike shop. Benelli Dealership as well. Nice Old Sunbeam in the car park Well the café was very good and their half charge breakfast (electric theme) was bloody good. Note to self don’t park over an oil patch to avoid paranoia. I found out later that an old BSA was in the same spot as me before we got there Fed and watered we headed for the south coast through the South Hams to Brixham for an ice cream. Got the ice cream and had a mooch around the harbour where Gary board us all about fucking wood working and his paper driving license Well, Brixham done we headed back through the South Hams which is stunningly beautiful even if the roads are congested shit, to the A38 and home. Bloody roads around Plymouth are so congested, the last 2 miles to the Tamar Bridge we filtered the whole way as the traffic was gridlocked. Not even school holidays yet. Trip stats when I got home were 6 hours and 157 miles Good day out on the old CBF600 which is running like a Honda. Good company, fed and a few laughs mostly at Gary’s expense . Shadow has gone to bed knackered and I’m chilling before work tonight. Many bikes out today. So much traffic though, gonna stay off the A38 and A30 as much as possible until the season is over the congestion does my head in, to many close squeaks for comfort, mostly Gary but still to many people around.
    7 points
  27. The ride to the floor of the valley was nice as well ...
    7 points
  28. Could see into the valley that we were descending into....
    7 points
  29. Up around 9,500' in elevation so it was a bit colder...
    7 points
  30. I can't compete with all these fancy high tech boxes ...
    7 points
  31. Just got back from a Fly-In & car show in Joseph.... some pretty cool winged hardware....
    6 points
  32. To bad were not doing BOTM...I'd win for sure with this one... It's like your favorite dog coming back to life...everything felt again like a clove after a few km...it's running perfect..no missing...no leaks...temperature remains steady...have to fix the back brakes pronto... Made a video and you can actually hear me speaking...I called you a bunch of limey cocksuckers...it's mostly directed at Six30...lol.
    6 points
  33. It's official boys....I'm retiring I will be passing the torch to my long time employee...took the decision this week...after another crazy week....I can and still capable of doing the job ..I'm leaving before the stress kills me...I plan again to ride the 950 into the sunset...hopefully for many years to come...will be turning 59 this year..
    6 points
  34. 6 points
  35. Those West Country lot are weirdos.
    6 points
  36. Bimble to Newquay today, course couldn’t go on my own. My Shadow had to come and demanded Maccies, I don’t mind their coffee so worked as a bladder break for me. We had a mooch down to Fistral then up to look over Pentire. She continued to walk into every shot then collapsed because I moaned at her Grumpy Happy Again once we made it home.
    6 points
  37. I've had what i thought was a flat spot off idle for some time now on the XR, tried re-jetting but made no difference and it's put me off riding the bike as its a bit jerky to ride on the slow stuff could never remember it having this issue in the past. The flat spot seemed worse when going down hill with a closed throttle and it suddenly dawned on me what the problem might be, so Yesterday i decided to take a look at the carb, i have a spare carb for the bike off an earlier model so dug that out to compare and after inspecting that carb my thoughts on the issue seemed to make sense, so last night i fitted the spare carb and took it for a test ride, sure enough the problem has gone, so you want to know what i think it was well the original carb has an unknown mileage on it and the throttle slide or carb body is worn so when closing the throttle the vacuum created by the engine was pulling on the throttle slide which was making it stick closed so you had to twist the grip harder to break it free making it feel like a flat spot lovely and smooth again now just like i remember, Had to do some fine tuning with the jetting tonight the older carb runs larger jets than the carb off my bike and it feels a bit more responsive. Another test ride tomorrow night as its pissing down tonight.
    6 points
  38. Don't mention her on here much but it was my eldest's last day at Duchy College yesterday (centre frame with sunglasses). No longer a student and out in the real world. I couldn't be more proud of her, a lovely young lady and probably the only adult in our family.
    6 points
  39. But today, before the trip, I gotta remember how to put these back on.....
    6 points
  40. just got back from the MOA Rally in Oregon and doing a little BDR. We also did PCH from Bodega Bay - north. There might still be some road closures south of San Francisco. The scenery along the road is incredible, even if you've seen an ocean before. But, you have to really take into account the good twisty roads that lead to it. There are a bunch! Check out www.pashnit.com for a good list of the best California roads, plus hit me up and i will help you take full advantage of it. if you are staying along PCH, bring lots of $$. Gas is pricey, as well as hotels. Camping is a better option. Another portion along the coast, lightly traveled - Lost Coast
    6 points
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