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boboneleg last won the day on December 26 2024

boboneleg had the most liked content!


36,753 Excellent

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  • Location
    Bristol, UK
  • Motorcycle
    A fucking cool VESPA

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  1. I filled this up by hand this morning , bloody knackered now
  2. Is this a real model @YamaHead or just a mock up ?
  3. They've fecked that up big time , it looks all wrong
  4. F*ck me , doesn't the twat of a mechanic know how much work you put into painting those wheels ........
  5. I haven’t got original car licence but I have my original HGV
  6. If they can't plug it in and just fit parts until they solve it then they don't want to know nowadays .
  7. To be fair they did that to mine as well
  8. Fred storms back into the lead with evidence even though he wrote that bottom one himself to impress the girlies
  9. Trumpet looks good in black and white , it looks nearly as old as you
  10. I've been out and about today for work . Took forks to a place in Dorchester for anodising, then onto Poole to collect some storage fuel and then Frome on the way back to get parts . Very foggy out there today , lots of twats driving at 35mph on main roads with no lights on Nice and sunny now that I'm back in the workshop
  11. Is there any liklelyhood of you cleaning any of those bikes
  12. Go on @Clive , show them Mansfield town centre in January
  13. Yeah , so f*ck you Fred , @Six30 was a proper badass dude. Now he just paints wheels as part of his care in the community .........
  14. You mean @Six30 obviously
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