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Catteeclan last won the day on February 8

Catteeclan had the most liked content!


8,801 Excellent

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  • Motorcycle
    Yamaha TDM900, TracerGT, Honda Dominator.

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  1. Nephew had a front coil spring snap at 70mph and go through the tyre. Fortunately managed to stop without spreading bit of the van all over the road. Must have been a risk of brown trousers I should think. Waiting for parts for that. Also playing with the Matchless again trying to get the front end apart. I like working on this old girl but 70 years old has made everything a bit corroded together, trying my patience.
  2. Hi Dan. R3, I guess you're a youngster or enjoying the lighter bike?
  3. Did you hire bikes once there, first pic looks like an airport shot. Perfect way to keep the floor clean. Did anyone else notice the re-bar table legs.
  4. Changed a ABS sensor on a Honda civic this afternoon. The corrosion in the hole was so bad it had snapped the sensor top off.
  5. Found him https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Norvelle
  6. Who was that twat with the "chase me" line.
  7. Got some clean space in the shed sorted, won't be long before I mess that up again. A swifty or 2 were enjoyed. Just booked digs on the Isle of Wight to see daughter, some of the easter break. Still yet to see one of those prem inn rooms for £45. They're be shopping today, that is all.
  8. yaaaay, village people.
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