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Showing content with the highest reputation since 20/07/24 in all areas

  1. the reveal...
    9 points
  2. Before getting to the top, I stopped to take a few pictures.
    8 points
  3. Scott was arranging things for her to go stay, at least for a few months, with him and his family in Holland.
    7 points
  4. It's a lovely day here. Perfect morning, riding in this weather is bliss and happy times on a motorcycle, 22º in the morning, 28º now. A few cool and interesting bikes there like that CB1300 in the distance and a Guzzi with stickers from all over, but I just took this picture. I really do not fancy those new 1300 BMWs A nice hour on the bike, chatting with Dani over a burguer, now relaxing, Sofia might come by for dinner, maybe one of the most perfect days in a while. Tomorrow the heat comes back and I'll boil.
    7 points
  5. You'll look good on it - regardless of what the others say....
    7 points
  6. You’re … You’re welcome
    6 points
  7. Great stuff Eric but I'm going to have to give you a card ................ You should refer to them as 'birds of colour' .................
    6 points
  8. But I made it to the highway and then railed for home. Nice weekend jaunt completed...
    6 points
  9. Had to endure 50 miles of this crap in order to get to the interstate...
    6 points
  10. I started changing the chain and sprockets on the XR today ended up making new wheel spacers for it with what i had left from doing the dogs. Fitted new seals as well, nice and tight now, should keep the crap out and make the wheel bearings last longer
    6 points
  11. Better shot of the local Mormon Temple. These guys are weird as shit. Polite and well mannered, but weird....
    6 points
  12. Architecture is nicer on these older, (old by USA standards) buildings in town ...
    6 points
  13. The hotel was an old bank years ago and still has the marble walls, floors and art deco stainless steel elevators...
    6 points
  14. Twat even has two T's
    6 points
  15. its a shame they dont do the cube in a convertible... then you could hear people calling you a cunt as you drove down the road
    5 points
  16. Have you ever had a nice looking car ?
    5 points
  17. Marcel sent me a pic of the rocks outside of his house.....
    5 points
  18. Today will be the 1st day in over 3 weeks that the temps will only be in the 80'sF....should be declared a National holiday!
    5 points
  19. In the words of @Tym , there is no excuse for Suzuki ownership
    5 points
  20. Twat. I'll wait till you trade yours in, bound to be hardly ridden and low mileage.
    5 points
  21. you caused rich to flounce ... i shall never forgive you ... midget bully boy
    5 points
  22. 5 points
  23. Views miles outside of the Park are better. So much fun ripping along here at 80 mph as the sun cuts through the canyons...
    5 points
  24. Up at 0400 again on Sunday and leaving the hotel. Did a speed lap of Arches Park in the dark ...
    5 points
  25. Thousands of square miles of nothing in southern Utah....
    5 points
  26. It'd be fun to camp out here and hike to some of the formations on the horizon and beyond. But even though it was cloudy, it was still over 100F / 38C. Won't be hiking far wearing bike gear in that kind of heat...
    5 points
  27. But I got some cool shots of the area while they were at work...
    5 points
  28. Oh dear, I tried to let you down as gently as I could. But rejection does sting I suppose. Take solace in your giant Canadian friend who is so committed to you, sending you clothes and lavishing so much attention on you. Showing pictures of his muscles, telling you how big and tough he is. He thinks you are worth it.
    5 points
  29. Up before the Sun on Saturday and heading about 400 miles to the south to Moab area. Bike is really looking like shit...
    5 points
  30. 5 points
  31. Off to Halfords for a sump plug washer, highly likely they wont have one but im bound to end up buying other crap I don't need there.
    5 points
  32. 5 points
  33. Pissing down most of the day here but we’ve had a good time anyway
    5 points
  34. More cool art deco aged buildings. A few are empty without much going on .....
    5 points
  35. Walked around Ogden today - cool little town. Next door to the hotel is Perry's Egyptian Theater, Nice art deco looking front and even an old school ticket booth....
    4 points
  36. On the choo choo today
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. I had that one lined in for when he confirmed it
    4 points
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