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Saul last won the day on July 17

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About Saul

  • Birthday 17/09/1965

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  • Motorcycle
    CB750 Hornet, CBF600

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  1. Great ride home from work this morning, across Bodmin moor with the sun burning off the mist, beautiful. Only 32 miles but a great way to start the day, breakfast and bed.
  2. I thought the Borax was a Dr Zeus character. Sure there was a film about it.
  3. I'm working Friday, Saturday, Sunday overnight. Dunno what else yet.
  4. Saul


    Bike. Fucking predictive text.
  5. Saul


    That’s good news, be good to have nine of the month back.
  6. Saul


    Well home now, Twas roughly a 60 mile round trip, checking the stats Shadow did 14 miles around the airport. So she had plenty of practice in the end. Fuck me look at the average mpg this thing does. Dinner time Biker chick Shadow, had some road rage on the way home which was interesting. Some twat pulled out in front on me, I didn’t really care he proceed to shout watch where you going mate. Still didn’t care then Shadow freaks out giving him the finger and calling him an every cunt she could lay her tongue to. Bit later at a junction I asked her what that was all about. Apparently the twat called me a fucking dickhead as we went past, I didn’t hear it and still don’t really care but she took exception. When we got home I asked her where she had learnt that from, her mother apparently sounds about right . Anyway gave her the sensible talk. Asked her what she would have done if it went further, her response was it’s alright Dad you would have twatted him. I asked her what if I wasn’t there. Oh, was the reply. She Just needs to calm down a little, riding and meeting dickheads is inevitable but twatting them is probably not the best option, especially if you are a 7 stone girl. I never told her but I love the spirit she has. God help any future partner.
  7. Saul


    I take it back she is getting the loops in now
  8. Saul


    I’m surrounded but shitting machines.
  9. Saul


    I’m sat here watching my Shadow playing bikes. Now we have travelled an hour to a disused airfield with several miles of runway for here to practice on. So she does a few laps of the little corner we are on and gets here confidence up. Great all good, now she is making videos for her socials. Don’t mind at all anything to build her confidence and comfort on the bike. I know at her age I would have been off doing loops and exploring. But then again social media is a new thing for oldies.
  10. Gonna be a long day for me, taking Shadow over to Davidstow airfield for some lengthy riding lessons. Probably going to be an hour trip to get there, two up on a 125. Never mind out on a bike is out on a bike. Essentials, puncture kit, drinks and a tarp for me to sit on while Shadow plays.
  11. Me neither, I thought I was going for a flu jab .
  12. I am vehemently anti Citroen and most french cars but first hand experience was mixed. We had a Xsara Picasso (wifes choice) which was a money pit, head gasket, collapsed rear axle, and much other expensive shit. I had a early 1996 mk1 Belingo van, 1.8D non turbo, second hand with 133,000 miles on it when I got it, and honestly it was still mechanically good when I sold it with 196,000 on the clock. Never missed a beat, in fact it is still taxed now 5 years later. Also had a 1997 Peugeot 106 1.1, what a peachy handling little car, you could drive the wheels off that and had an absolute hoot in it. I think with French cars some models and specs are good, most are self destructing shite. Not that I would ever own one again. I like old German and Swedish cars which is what we have had ever since. Not much interested in new stuff, but if I had to it would be a smallish VW/Seat/Skoda.
  13. Hang on there is a phrase for that, "Thirsty attention whore" yep that's it
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