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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/24 in Posts

  1. A light dusting of snow last night, but improving as I type.... a blitz on the Mullet is in order. & tonight is date night w/ my wife....Tequila is que'd
    6 points
  2. Another couple of hours out with my youngest. Small improvements and has now managed to do a few controlled figure of 8’s. I was pleased with her progress but it is a good patience tested for someone who is not naturally so. Each stint went on for no longer than 30 minutes. Took a couple of breaks to talk about what we were doing any why. We laughed during one of the breaks outside the shop as this guy turned up and was howling for his mum who went in the shop. Stunning creature. Have to have a couple of days break now as we are both working but should be back at it on Monday.
    6 points
  3. Yes......it's a Neopolitan! Lovely dogs......big babies.....but by fuck do they drool. This is a mate's one taken about 25 years ago.
    5 points
  4. busabeast would be out in his shorts and t shirt in that
    5 points
  5. FB Memory popped up from 2014.
    5 points
  6. he will have to want
    4 points
  7. Working tonight and Sunday, got a 90th birthday party to go to Saturday night. Fuck knows what that is going to be like.
    4 points
  8. Exactly. I was talking to our Dentist (I know him and used to sing with him) this week as Chloe had an appointment for a check up. He was telling me there is a 10 year waiting list for NHS patients in this area. How the fuck can that be in a first world country.
    4 points
  9. Wich one is you Pete ? I see two gingers twats..?
    4 points
  10. Oh there you are my little friend...
    4 points
  11. I'm sure Lionel is not an exhibitionist , unlike you ........
    4 points
  12. Have you ever thought about something on the edge Lionel rather than always stating the obvious…… asking for a friend
    4 points
  13. Lucky man...I'm dealing with this today...white shit..
    4 points
  14. Fuck that's even worse than mine...lol...I think we might have another candidate for a name change coming up...
    4 points
  15. For a bit of fondling obviously ..........
    4 points
  16. Why do you think?
    4 points
  17. I think it is very sad that dog owners are going have no way of caring for their loved pets. I have never been without a dog my whole life and never thought I would be but wonder how much longer that will be the case for the British masses. This crowed little island is becoming a sad place.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. He is one of those guys that is never sick and will just drop, at some point off the mortal coil. He enjoys life to the full at the moment.
    3 points
  20. If he doesn't ring back before your need another prescription and you can't contact him ring 111 out of hours. Your call and eventual consultation will be logged, plus they will probably give you a script in the mean time. Also any notes will be forwarded to your GP and their will be a paper trail. WIll get his/her attention hopefully for your benefit.
    3 points
  21. To be honest I believe Vet care has largely gone corporate around here. All the little surgeries have been bought out by national corporates. Their prices seem to reflect the maximum they can charge pet insurance companies, if you are old school and pay the bill you are fucked. Bit like the American Health Care model . Don't like to agree with some of your earlier sentiments but the UK is slowly becoming an difficult and sad place to live.
    3 points
  22. Blowing snow...from the cockpit.
    3 points
  23. Didn't she like the way you trying to mount it
    3 points
  24. I'm getting the audi back tomorrow
    3 points
  25. Just re-fitted the forks on the Yamaha , fitted a new horn as well. I can’t see me doing much tomorrow as apparently we’re all going to die by storm
    3 points
  26. Pays not to Brag too much on this site doesn't it I love the way the community slaps down the fantasists
    3 points
  27. What a sweet machine--
    3 points
  28. Finally......it looks like I'll be able to get out! No idea where......but it will be inspirational! What about you lot?
    2 points
  29. We used to call them landfill
    2 points
  30. He would build an ice hotel in about thirty minutes which would instantly gain world acclaim.
    2 points
  31. Looks like we're hitting some trails tomorrow ...if there isn't to much snow for the atvs..Billybob is bringing some moose again...mmmmm.
    2 points
  32. It might be, the winds are south-westerly
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. I've been meaning to ask...what does Saul stand for..?
    2 points
  35. One thing about fresh snow..the moose will be easy to track...Billybob has amazing tracking abilities....we're going out for sure tomorrow..
    2 points
  36. so much nicer with the bumpers off.
    2 points
  37. Probably the nicest cage I've ever owned.... paid $5k for it. '01 Cad DTS...4.6 ltr. Northstar V8....designed by Audi & built by Mercury marine. Bose stereo that would rock your world! Full leather interior....even the back seats were heated!
    2 points
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