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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. Buckster


    Keep focusing on Pedro, nothing to see elsewhere on the forum.
  2. You have traded the Indian for a Harley?
  3. Looks like the weather will be good on Sunday so may go for a ride after church.
  4. Buckster


    Has anyone got any objections to Pedro being a moderator? And when I say “anyone” I mean anyone except Six.
  5. Buckster


    You said we needed a moderator so now we have a moderator, I did what you suggested and now you are complaining.
  6. You should check the relay.
  7. Sounds like dirty contacts on the relay or a bad earth.
  8. Buckster


    Welcome to the team, everyone welcome your new moderator.
  9. Buckster


    Good point! @Pedro are you ready to step up?
  10. Buckster


    You may have noticed that me and Bob are now admins. We have a lot more access, I'm currently figuring out how BOTM works, it looks like Pete coded it in HTML, once I have that figured out I will change the suzuki picture for one of my Harley.
  11. Braveheart was Robert the Bruce, antipodeans are useless when it comes to accuracy.
  12. I generally find that if I feel a little "off" a nice ride on the motorcycle sorts me right out. You should have had the vaccine.
  13. You should have given them a hedgehog, they like a nice fresh hedgehog.
  14. He lives in a one horse town and he is related to the horse.
  15. They do, it’s called a skip.
  16. They are all nicer looking than him.
  17. Does not quite capture the image I am thinking of but this is pretty good.
  18. There are views of it from some parts of the city during sunset that look like it could be Utah in the distance, I will try to find a pic.
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