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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. What about this one @boboneleg
  2. My mate Gary tackling it in the snow
  3. Here in wales its called a defensive female
  4. As much as i like eating dead animals i draw the line at heads hove's and genitalia everything else is on the menu though oh except cockerel nope you can keep that as well
  5. I have to disagree steak also needs fried mushrooms and onions god i'm feeling hungry now
  6. Not heard anything about that Bob but the hole he dug has been filled in looks like he was made to do it as i cant see the council leaving it in this mess
  7. The farmers a problem and he's a knob, its been ongoing for years he basically doesn't want anyone up there
  8. Had a good ride yesterday only one member from the TRF volunteered to ride with me which was great as the ride was more fluid, The weather was almost perfect for trail riding a bit of rain in the night to dampen the ground would have made it perfect. Didn't take many photos too busy riding just under 100 miles of back roads and green lanes These are the obstacles the farmer has been putting in the way on the byway local to me. i started making a point of riding over everything he dumps where i can just to prove a point to him The bloke i was out with had just bought this BETA 350 after having a break from bikes for many years and to be fair he was a good rider Me bike in case you all forgot what it looks like It was a bit of a squeeze past this one there were quite a few down after the recent storms but luckily most had been cleared Pump house lane again certainly got Ian sweating Luckily there was plenty of water to cool off in
  9. So it was you that left this shit here i rode through
  10. My money would be on the scallops they make me sick even when their cooked properly
  11. Its what they call a very rare cooked or more like uncooked steak
  12. This is just a wild guess so happy to be corrected if i'm wrong but i recon it was food that gave her food poisoning
  13. I thought i only had the one photo but i have two been out on 3 of the bikes this month but both photos are the same bike And @Pedro no additional noise from the new sump guard at all
  14. Please tell me that was a random link to those as you can get them a lot cheaper. As for powder coating its pretty tough but like all things the way you treat them will have a big effect on their condition for example i don't think their gravel proof https://www.motocard.com/en/cases/givi-dlmk36b_trekker_dolomiti_36_black_line_monokey_pack_2.aspx?country=GB&currency=GBP&mtc_source=google&mtc_medium=cpc&mtc_campaign=shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8_qRBhCXARIsAE2AtRbThTYIdBN9gj_M_aCNYefs7_L4BtjCWKWemFagNoAM6VD45xo5FDoaAkhqEALw_wcB
  15. I don't know you can give it a go though
  16. Out on the Beta tomorrow doing some of the harder stuff again but its dry so should be easier, only two of us so cant see me taking many photos the wife's away so maybe out Sunday as well
  17. Try draining the carb and let it fill with fresh petrol from the tank works with the XR if its been left a while
  18. Only when the bikes in there
  19. Its just dawned on me why you've been checking out all those remote abandoned places, it's for a certain body disposal isn't it
  20. When i first read it i didn't read "walk" i thought whats he going Willsbridge Mill to do that for surely that should be done in private
  21. Stopped to have a look at this on the way to another site it was a bit cold and windy, I wanted to have a look right over the edge but discovered I've developed a fear of heights i never had when i was younger
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