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Slowlycatchymonkey last won the day on October 18 2023

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    Sometimes sunny Somerset
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    One or two ?

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  1. Well I'm not saying that's the deciding factor on having fun but.....
  2. Yer absolutely. It's definitely not that a bunch of bitter pack animals chased off a decent person. Oh NO He definitely displayed some form of deviance or weakness at some point so it's their fault.... Pete in his own way embraced difference. He may not of absolutely carried it out cleanly but he was clear about equality.
  3. I dunno Saul I'd say there's a fairly strong inference that it's a posers bike in that post. I don't own a white scarf but scarves don't just belong to the genuine vintage car or bike owner do they? But then I don't mind posers. They're just people having a bit of fun. Personally I like Billy Connolly's take on posing - "I've been a poser for fucking years. I say, pose your arse off. You know, have a laugh"
  4. Hmm now we need someone who knows your bike history
  5. Is it a long time desire or a recent fancy?
  6. I guess someone should rub it in on Pete's behalf?
  7. Not sure why you're hung up on the idea it's for posing. It has to do with whether you like the look of it or not, it's something you have to please yourself not others. Bet you don't sit there with a cup of tea lovingly gazing at the Hornet, bet you would with a retro bike. If you didn't get that notion you wouldn't be looking at the Continental. All the time you've been on here that I'm aware of you've been hankering after a retro styled bike but at the price point your looking at they're not going to be comparable in any way to a Honda. Price wise I think it's cheap. It's closer in quality and finishing to a Trumpet than it is an Enfield but I suppose at least it's galvanised support for Royal Enfield amongst the band wagon jumping Goldstar bashers. We have both the continental and the goldstar, the goldstar is quality wise way better. Satisfyingly solid in comparison. I'm not sure why the Goldstar is getting such a hiding from everyone, it's almost like it's daring to be pretty so it's gonna get a pasting. Oh and yes it's indian It is a very pleasant sunny sunday afternoon ride, expecting more from it is unrealistic. Having said that I have done a long journey on it and it was good, not brilliant because for me over distance power matters but I enjoyed the ride and arrived smiling so that counts for something. I often ride it to Bristol and find it good in traffic, it's easy to manoeuvre and has enough go to get out in front at roundabouts n lights. But I find pleasure in pushing a lower powered bike to its limits, almost as much pleasure as having more power than my Kermit's can handle. Not quite though, ultimately the higher bhp bikes come out of the garage most.
  8. Sounds like an interesting time. Yer when I looked at the chances of being shot or murdered country by country the US is right up there! Started to put together a trip to America, probably not til next September now due to family crap but I did think I'd better make sure I know where not to go!
  9. I'm not surprised. I always assumed you were at some point part of one of the more violent military services or just raised with a violent crowd so became useful to hire, you have an unusual extremeness
  10. Pete's son (the one that's married to the Polish woman) must have access mustn't he cos they started off the business together?
  11. You're also one scary looking fucker so it's not really surprising you've had no bother.
  12. Men are far more likely to be on the receiving end of unprovoked violence than women so I reckon you're right to consider it sketchy. She'd been through Mexico, Peru and Columbia among others places with no problems, she came unstuck because she took duff advice from the locals who probably thought they were telling her the truth. Were you riding there?
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