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Posts posted by busabeast

  1. 1 hour ago, XTreme said:

    Now that's a Clickbait title if ever there was! I'm referring to a strange phenomenon that's been happening to me over the last year or two.

    No......not actually getting brutally murdered on a Rideout.......people worrying that I'm going to get brutally murdered on a Rideout.

    So why do they think this? Well it's a combination of the strange places I get to like Abandoned Villages, Railway Stations, Factories, Warehouses etc........and me being an OAP.

    I don't get that response on here, but I used to get it on another forum! In fact @Richzx6r was one of those who was always concerned for my safety!

    I get inundated with it on FB groups though! In fact one Romanian guy in the UK who's a FB friend is moving to Spain this year and he's told me that he's going to act as my bodyguard on these trips.  And he's a huge guy and ex Romanian military! Got this image in my mind of him turning up with AK47's or something! :classic_unsure:

    So does anybody else get this sort of thing? And why do none of the people who've known me for years have this pathological fear of me getting brutally murdered on a Rideout? While everybody else does! :classic_wacko:

    confused ryan reynolds GIF

    Not worried about you getting brutally murdered at all, it's more of a help the aged kinda thing, making sure that the doddery old gits like you are still alive and kicking before I make my bid to be included in the will should you go south ?

    • Haha 2
  2. I have only ever owned 1 bike with a kick start in the cg125 

    A friend of mine used to have a matchless g30 I think it was think it was a 350cc though could have been a 500cc single which was good fun to start.

    My dad in the 70s had a 1958 velocette venom thruxton 500cc 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, XTreme said:

    I see people asking riding advice on places and I find that I can't advise in any way.

    Simply because I don't know how I ride or what I do when I'm actually riding.

    To me it's like describing how I walk......it's impossible!

    So how do you actually ride a bike?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Pedro said:

    Talked to a 23 or 25 year old girl who works for one of my client's today. She is fit and does sports.

    She had covid for a couple of weeks, and the following lung infection left her in bed for a month and a half unable to stand up or speak more than 4 words without stoping for a breath. She's fine now, but can't run or climb stairs without having to catch her breath.

    Same with athletes, they bounce back to "normal" but for months are left debilitated compared to their previous state.

    Every sickness is best handled by very healthy and fit young people, that's just fucking common sense. So what?

    Seriously, a young athlete copes better than an old and debilitated person or someone with a chronic sickness, what kind of idiot thinks this is relevant and should be viewed as an indicator that people and over reacting? Should we ease off on cancer treatment as well since it's deadlier on older people?




    I too went from having covid and within days as @xtreme and @swagman can testify to a kidney infection so I know first hand that it's a naughty virus as does @Swagman and no I'm not saying anything about cancer as it's not the topic.

    What I'm talking about is the scaremongering and those who write the death certificate putting covid19 as cause of death when actually it was a heart attack that killed said person just because the person who died tested positive for the virus, doing this would manipulate the the death statistics and give a false impression of the real death toll of people due to covid 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Pedro said:

    I agree that power in any form is something that is always difficult for governments and leaders to give back once they get it. They get a state of emergency and are not easily convinced to give it back, that happens because power corrupts most people and politicians and governments aren't exempt to it. 

    I believe death statistics in european countries to be accurate, there might be a day or two error sometimes but overall I think they are accurate.

    I also think that whoever thinks covid only seriously affects the already ill or old is an idiot and someone that ironically proves the need of governments to order people to take care. If a significant number of people in the UK think that covid is still a sick people's sickness it might go to explains other opinions that UK people as a whole have expressed lately.

    Being someone who has had the virus at the start of last year yes it's a naughty one but I do believe that those who are in power are over estimating the death statistics I never said it was serious I purely stated that it mainly kills those who already have underlying issues and normally those who are otherwise fit and healthy shouldn't be affected by it long term

  6. 3 minutes ago, XTreme said:

    I'm particularly interested in the views of members who've joined up since this place opened.....as in they weren't on any of it's predecessors.

    Because a concern of mine is that due to most of the guys on here knowing each other for years, I don't want this place to appear cliquey or insular to people coming on for the first time.

    That's pretty much the kiss of death for any forum these days......and bearing in mind that this site is pretty much The Last Chance Saloon, we need to get the balance right.

    That's why I'm looking for feedback from the newer ones who started with us on this board! @Clive @Grasshopper's Ride @Earache @Swagman  @Richzx6r  @skyrider  ......or any of the others. I've included those as they post more regularly.

    I can honestly say if its cliquey then I havent really noticed it, I think it's more like welcoming banter to kinda make you feel abit more part of the forum, yes there are abrasive characters everywhere but it is more fun ribbing I think.

    I like it here more than the other forum and as such have spent 95% of my time here since joining and so far am enjoying it here

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Pedro said:

    Dude, that's a stupid thing to say. 

    Only people having trouble have "something seriously wrong" already? Crack a book!

    Do you not agree that there is alot of scaremongering going on with these death figures or do you believe that those with the power wouldn't be so scrupulous as to how can I say it....make things up as they go along 

  8. 2 minutes ago, XTreme said:

    That's the figure I saw reported from a number of news sources as Covid related deaths.

    I honestly dont believe a word of it, yes its worse than the common flu but unless you have something seriously wrong with you then you will be ok, all this scaremongering and treating every death as covid just because its easier has to stop it just unnecessarily worries the population 

  9. 3 minutes ago, XTreme said:

    Apparently 1564 deaths in Britain today! 

    But.....was it 1564 deaths across the board of everything which I'd suggest it probably is or just from covid which I honestly cant believe it being that high they are doing more scaremongering to try to justify this 3rd lockdown 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, XTreme said:

    Ideally I need some sort of reasonable backdrop around it to make it work Rich.

    Tomorrow I'm not working soo I plan to clean the bike in the morning then I will get out on it and go to somewhere alot nicer looking than erm.....where it was today ?

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, XTreme said:

    You're really not doing us Welsh any favours posting pics like this Fred!

    And I want to point out to everybody that I do not come from this part of Wales.....and have no connection whatsoever with any of these Mullet Heads! 

    What you on about pete the lad 2nd from right next to the fat lad bears an uncanny resemblance to a younger you?

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

    Stringfellows had fuck all on the Navel, this is some of the clientele from back in the day so as you can see i fitted right in :classic_laugh:


    Holy fuck.....that hair did everyone's hair trimmers break or something? and you lot called that style back then?

    • Haha 3
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