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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/04/20 in Posts

  1. Definitely a Hardcore REAL Rider..... something you won't find in the book of Namby-Pambyism Pete. Bob's DaMan!....I can totally relate...
    4 points
  2. I'm feeling blue and nostalgic, It was bought as a replacement for my very unreliable but comfy R1150GS for two up touring on rough roads, and for that it is the best. Nowadays, I like it's balance, torque, etc, but I love it for the memories ...
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Kinda funny cause even i had a camera and a hardly once...
    2 points
  5. time keeper was given a back hander.?
    2 points
  6. If all else fails fit a chain to it and sell it as a boat anchor.
    2 points
  7. While many of us are eagerly anticipating the next time we’re able to go out and have a proper ride, we’re probably not thinking a lot about rider training right now. After all, that involves other people, right? Even if you love to take hands-on rider training courses and advance your skills, other people just aren’t a good idea right now. Thankfully, while a certain degree of hands-on training is undoubtedly helpful, not everything has to be that way. It also doesn’t have to involve another person, particularly if you’re the kind of rider who can pick stuff up from watching helpful coaching videos during your down time. That’s where eight-time New Zealand enduro champion and off-road coach Chris Birch comes in. Birch has been riding enduro competitively for years, and has podiumed seven times at Red Bull Romaniacs, even winning it outright in 2010. He’s also New Zealand’s most successful Dakar Rally competitor. The guy knows his stuff, and to help support his off-road competition habit, he’s been coaching and training other riders so that they learn their own stuff, too. While Birch does offer hands-on courses in New Zealand, Australia, and on demand globally, he’s also just unveiled his brand-new Vimeo off-road training video course. It’s called Say No To Slow, and while we all know that no amount of video watching can ever replace hours of seat time, drilling important concepts into your head can help all of us improve our skills when we’re back out on our bikes. In total, there are 16 training videos available right now on Vimeo On Demand, which you can buy separately if you like, or purchase the whole lot for US $35. From standing position on your bike and off-road bike setup, to high-speed slides and log-jumping, Birch’s video series is also available with both English and Spanish subtitles. The whole thing lasts a little over three hours if you wanted to watch every clip back-to-back. No matter your level of experience, there’s always something new to learn, some new skill level within yourself that you can unlock. This might be a great way to do exactly that! Sources: Vimeo, Chris Birch Let's block ads! (Why?) Source
    2 points
  8. 2011 according to YouTube but the video could be older I suppose. Looks like I think I’m Tym now. This is what happens when you reach 66 @XTreme ?
    1 point
  9. Cant say i do but then i cant remember what i done last week either LOL
    1 point
  10. I really shouldnt work on chit Specs!
    1 point
  11. Sounds like fake news to me.
    1 point
  12. Last February Pete not long after I picked the bike up I went to visit a retired racer friend of mine near La Murta he told me he was a bit off the grid...!! it was my first bit of off roading as such in over 30 years as you can see from the first bit of this video as I was leaving. and no I didn't drop it that time.
    1 point
  13. Well, its freaking clean everywhere, except something still isnt right, i can get her started, on the enricher, as i take her off that it goes downhill fast...the motor sounds ok, no knocking sounds...i cleaned it up now the weather friday morning looks like a freaking downpour right when i trailer her in to the shop, fuckmine. My bikes arnt supposed to get wet!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. He’s madder than I remembered. ??
    1 point
  16. No such thing as ghosts, it’s a shame to see buildings like this going to ruin.
    1 point
  17. That's why I got the CCM. 130kg wet as opposed to the GS's 244kg + panniers etc. I doubt that I could lift it up now that I'm approaching my dotage.
    1 point
  18. Still? Not sure what you mean by that. I just question shit and don't like to be hoodwinked is all and the Rockefeller Report is an actual report and Event 201 is an actual pandemic simulation. To be honest I have a degree of resignation and gallows humour about all of this shit, if I didn't I'd just get depressed. Watching actual families, all of whom are asymptomatic (no fever, coughs, no sneezes or means of spread by aerosol despite the nonsense being spread by CNN and the rest of the mainstream media), strictly keeping 2 metres apart, just baffles me. And when I question them on this the only answer they can give is, 'well, you never know'. If that's the level of critical thinking we've reached at this point in history, we're well and truly fucked. History shows that this sort of passivity and unquestioning acceptance of authoritarian rule is far more dangerous than any virus and most of the world just rolled over on it's back.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, thought that'd be a bit too serious and real for you lot. Lets just remember those exotic holidays of yesteryear... VID_20200428_111217_360.mp4
    1 point
  20. Salisbury Plain........... and resting in the pub at lunchtime ?
    1 point
  21. Lovely photo. Like the light. This was rough. Crossing the tail end of a hurricane helping with disaster relief. We were headed for Grand Turk if I remember correctly. That's a 35,000 tonne tanker.
    1 point
  22. I am afraid its a YES! Still, best bike in the World, cant argue with that
    1 point
  23. What do you mean boat? He rides a GS Adventure with extra large panniers?
    1 point
  24. I see, adventure travel, World Wide! Makes sense. Yes, still trying to decide if I am a biking vet or a Vet biker! Its complicated!! For a while I was in charge of the RAT Pack at Jack Lilley Triumph and organized a few trips around Europe, discovered I liked it and after a few years dreaming about doing it as a business, decided to go for it! Haven't really finalized it yet, but hope to do two this year, near the end of 2020. Will post some pictures.
    1 point
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