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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. He will have to log out and log back in again on that account.
  2. So that’s it then? You have no evidence, you won’t answer even the most basic questions. You are Zzzak and I claim my £5. There is no point in continuing this, I will stick with what I know to be true and you can stick to the myths you believe despite the lack of verifiable evidence to support them.
  3. I bet you enjoy that trampoline.
  4. I don’t mind that you and your friends deluding yourselves, unlike you who is absolutely horrified that someone disagrees with you. I’m half expecting a knock on the door after you report me for a hate crime, no doubt in tears “Buckster hurt me by disagreeing with me! It’s not fair, it’s not fair!”
  5. Well that settles it then, you have reached Zzzak level of evidence.
  6. Not really, you are clearly a lower life form than a monkey.
  7. Reference the contradictions in the OT. Reference the contradictions between the Old and New Testament. How did the animals get from the ark to their respective locations on the earth? The same way they got to the ark. Antibiotic resistant bacteria, what did it evolve from? If you say another type of bacteria then that is a variation, not proof of evolution, evolution requires a change of type for it to be proven, that’s what it claims after all. Trees etc. post flood from seeds etc. and others survived despite the flood according to God’s will, I know you won’t like that answer but you will have to get over it. Moon rocks, we are back to the radiometric dating anomalies, I’ll ask again, show me one study where radiometric dating has dated a rock accurately to its known age. Zzzak? Some things are better off remaining a mystery.
  8. Well despite your puerile attempts at ridicule, you know fine well what I’m getting at when I say evolution teaches that fish turned into cows, evolution claims that all life evolved from single cell organisms, where they came from of course is down to magic. The simple fact is that there are no transitional fossils that support the theory.
  9. They care about not making noise.
  10. Wow, you really are very angry that someone can believe something different from you. Transitional fossils or rather their lack thereof are a huge problem for evolution, then of course there are things like biological tissue being found in dinosaur remains, massive problem. Dating based on assumptions, just show me one study where a rock has been dated using radiometric dating, accurately to it’s known age. You need to calm down now, don’t give yourself an aneurism. I am convinced from my own research and the issues in scientific theory on the subject that the earth is in the region of 8000 years old and I appreciate that you have faith that it is 4.5 billion years old and I am okay with you being wrong.
  11. Evolution requires just as much faith, possibly more given all the gaps in it.
  12. Buckster


    He’s a cunt.
  13. That’s exactly what evolution theory is.
  14. You have every right to your point of view, I respect your right to be wrong.
  15. It is extrapolated from the genealogy in the bible. See here.
  16. Bible chronology puts the age of the earth to be at least 6000 years, the flood at around 4500 years ago. Despite all this young earth stuff, 6000 years is old but you have been conditioned to think in millions and billions of years by people who present unsustainable theories as facts.
  17. I think we know what Pete is looking at.
  18. Well it’s clear that it is you that is showing wilful ignorance here. It is clear that your need to be “right” outweighs your ability to be objective. You stick to your pseudo science and obtuse statements, I’m sure some people will be fooled into thinking you are clever and that will have to suffice for you.
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