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Everything posted by Grasshopper

  1. oh dear.....I am always late to the party....? There were plans and now they are done.....got our fuel early in the week so we could make a few good outings this weekend. Went up and down some crazy rocky stuff to get the challenge of the week done. My skills are coming along at the downhill, so happy about that. Also went on a longer ride Saturday to a high spot, out of the trees, to enjoy the view. ?
  2. Wow, that station would be a perfect set for a horror movie. I would love to take photos there, and the surrounding landscape is beautiful. Not so flat and dry looking, as some of the other stations you have been too. ??
  3. ? too funny....but true, almost like you have met a few in your day.
  4. GUNS.......? Just big sticks and a banshee cry works every time.... Yes, a bear did that....bastard
  5. A tight race this month between two very different bikes. Takes the stupid term "adventure bikes" and slaps it with a wet noodle......?
  6. Sometimes even locking your door doesn't work. ? I was woken up last night after one of our big bear residents decided to see what was in my shed, the hard way. ? I woke up from the noise and scared the poop right out of him ? before he could make a bigger mess. Guess what I'm doing today after my ride.....although the homemade door held up ok, so it should be an easy fix.
  7. Very nice indeed, crazy how good the phone cameras are now, sure beats carrying around a big film camera or even a DSLR. ?
  8. I know....I had reservations over posting a story from "there", but it was too stupid to pass up! ? Please forgive me...
  9. Sometimes, and more often then I would like these days, you see something that just makes you confused at the level of absurdity that can occur with humans. ? Here is a prime example, now I know a bunch of you are going to be excited about this new product and might even think of bringing the chaps out of the closet..... just keep your excitement to yourself please.... ? https://advrider.com/you-saw-it-here-first-series-chap-gap/
  10. I could watch that finish over and over again, so fun.....great win! ?
  11. This is all very interesting as I am in a spot where I either pay the same for my older iPhone or get a newer one. I don't really use the device for phone calls, not a fan of too much talking. Maybe a text or two for work but I really use the camera feature and the GoPro App. Also love the photo program on the iPhone. I was looking at the iPhone 11, but now @XTreme you have me looking at the Samsung, just not sure I can go back to Android...
  12. Just wanted to say GOOD JOB to @Pedro ? You have put together a fun and very well organized photo contest. I'm not even being sarcastic for once, I like organized! ?
  13. Well then.... ?? It's all good, taking the honest route is always best and they are nice tires. If a Royal Enfield wins, it's a good day! ? The stock Pirelli's are reasonable in the rain, not enough for the gravel, but I will run them out and get some nice new ones down the road.
  14. WOW, I'm in love with that landscape. ? So nice and the riding looks like a lot of fun! Great photos, and fun ride report. ? I really like your bike too......look at me just handing out the happy vibes today....?
  15. Nice trails, looks like a great place to ride, and get dirty. ? Ok @Tym this evidence has been submitted and your cool points are being restored. But I will still make fun of your clean KLR ?? All in good fun!
  16. The forest dwelling Himalayan known as Bagheera. ?
  17. After a small journey from home through the familiar and beautiful forests ? of the ? Sunshine Coast, we find ourselves at a lovely lookout. A great place to stop the bikes and look about. We spend some time enjoying the lake down below and the quietness all around us, when our Himalayans weren't thumping along the trails. ? It's a bit of a bumpy road to get there but it is well worth it.
  18. ...you know, you have mentioned this before, so who is more crazy, the old guy who keeps repeating himself, the strange Canadian girl that likes weirdos or the wack job with guns and a nice tractor??? ?
  19. That is very nice.... ? Seriously.... I like it. But this is not the place @Tym ?
  20. Take it away @Sofia Damn sexy bike... the landscape is nice too. ?
  21. So @Tym you have submitted two bike pics now, which is it going to be my friend? Not fair to us losers with only one bike.... ??
  22. I think just the bike is the idea, but what do I know.... ?
  23. Nice ride....thanks for the Spanish eye candy! ??
  24. Beautiful road, love those corners.....and no traffic, wow, nice place to ride. ?
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