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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. I must be too easy going because none of that bothers me and if it did i wouldn't vote for that person no matter what photo went up, its not like your going to get any cash or even better a free breakfast for winning the way i use the site i never see the front page anyway
  2. My point is the members vote on it so it doesn't matter if its Bucksters bike on the moon or a shit bike in a fantastic scene the members decide what they want on the front page by voting every month, if i want to enhance a photo and its not to someones liking then they don't vote for it just seems simple to me
  3. Todays bodge was for the Beta. The one thing i'm missing is a mirror but there is nowhere to mount one, the only space on the handlebars to put a generic clamp mounts the mirror too far in and i cant see past my elbow so i decided to make a mount and bolt it to the hand guards Started off with this bit of aluminium bar i picked up in work a few years ago and offered it up to where i want to mount it I need to cut out a groove so the bar of the handguard locates in it, i used my chop saw which has a metal cutting blade in it to do multiple cuts to create the groove Lots of filing after this to take away the ridges and the curve of the blade but it's something i will do at the end as its a lot of work to do and then find out i don't like the end result I need to put a taper on the end so it doesn't clash with the wind protector part of the hand guard I have to guess the right angle so have a few attempts to get it right zero engineering skills used here LOL The part cut off and cleaned up Mounted on the handguard almost finished didn't have a tap with the correct thread pitch for the mirror so got to wait until the one i ordered arrives quite pleased with the way it turned out
  4. I thought BOTM is supposed to be a bit of fun that the members vote on so the pic that the members like best will be on the front page, sorry its all going too serious for me so i shall not be entering from now on
  5. At this moment eating cheese on toast done under the grill in my oven LOL and then i'm not sure see how the day unfolds god i live an exciting life
  6. Shall we give him TOTY 2023 now or do you think zzzak will up his game
  7. I was thinking the same he's been shoulder deep in snow since January and its melted for a whole week leaving no trace and come back again
  8. Zooming in to see what you were on about i spotted this, a bit further on i realised i didn't have my glasses on and couldn't remember when i last had them i now know where to look
  9. No just sunk in the mulch, its a stupid design thin as a stick at the end but it does come with a threaded hole in the bottom so i screwed a disc to the bottom to stop it sinking, it would never stand up by there without it
  10. That's why i said it's not because it looks like it is
  11. I was going to delete it before tomorrow and put the real photo up so you wasted your time O ye of little faith
  12. I don't know why busabeast is upset because there's only two bikes in it this month anyway and that's my flaming inferno and Bucksters moon landing although zzzak doesn't believe it LOL
  13. What have i done i was just fooling about, personally i don't care how many go up in the submission thread as only one will be in the voting thread, after all BOTM tis just a bit of fun and i don't think for a minute that was Pedro's intention but he should have kept the third picture up LOL
  14. you better hope Bucksters not driving it
  15. Between your life and Pete's yes i know
  16. Bloody hell if your latest scribblings are you doing just fine i'd hate to read the not doing fine ones And before you say it yes i know i'm a
  17. I was only joking @Pedro it's @busabeast is the twat
  18. Yes but @Slowlycatchymonkey is out there to relax and enjoy the place, the complete opposite of what your doing
  19. I think Pedro's pulling a crafty one gauging the response on his three photos so he can have a better chance of winning i'm sure this is worse than photoshop and is cheating
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