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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. It probably high tails it home at the first sight of a cloud in the sky followed by a vigorous polishing
  2. You are going to hell and Buckster will be your boss for all eternity
  3. I've dug up Alan Turing and together we've been able to decipher some of the code in Marcels message, i think he's asking how a man can suddenly become a woman after chopping off his dick
  4. I thought that was going to be good until i google what it meant bit of a let down LOL
  5. Depends whether there was strawberry ice cream involved
  6. Was that after receiving try giving it's supposed to be better so i'm told
  7. Just think about it if we get a word Slowly will be there to defend us when its used
  8. I've been trying to think as a straight man what name could a gay person call me for me to be offended and i just cant think of one is it because there is no word or because i just don't care and if there isn't a word when are we going to get one feeling left out LOL
  9. You spoilt it now that was for the plebs to decipher I've always pronounced it this way egg-lis-oo-roo, not sure its correct but near enough worked there a few years ago thought i'd never be able to pronounce it after reading it but seems to roll off the tongue easily,
  10. oops i thought he was talking about the van
  11. I understand what your saying and agree it can be offensive to some but none of those some are on this forum and if they were and let themselves be known i'd say that the gay ribbing would cease from all as a matter of respect to them, all except Buckster that is
  12. Where will the censorship end though once we are banned from using this word what will be next i like this speech by Rowan Atkinson because its bloody true
  13. I don't know if you read my post before Bob deleted it but my 18 year old apprentice is a lesbian and called something gay when i said she shouldn't say that her reply was i can because i'm gay she doesn't get offended by it
  14. Bob you twat you could have let me copy and paste my reply over before deleting it
  15. I was working around there in the late 80's and stayed in Leominster a lot. it was a nice place but god the night life was so dead yen was a regular there
  16. Totally agree it's a just word it's the way you use it makes a difference, like the word fuck, you can tell someone to fuck off and the way you use that word determines whether it is offensive or a bit of fun to someone
  17. Obviously you don't because its lem·stuh not Leominster
  18. One of the places i stayed in England years ago is called Leominster the locals had to put me right when i said it as it reads apparently it's pronounced lem·stuh.
  19. Stop giving them the easy stuff let them try this LOL Eglwyswrw
  20. Are you absolutely sure about that Bob You got three mates?
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