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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. So far today I've made a little bracket thingy to help make the work i'm doing next week easier and more importantly i took the old girl out for a couple of hours along a similar route i done on the beta in the week except on the road The Tump again but as close as i want to get to it on this bike May get the CRF out now the wife's making me go to watch a band again tonight in Merthyr hope its better than the last one
  2. Pete a little rewording needed here before the sickos in this place see it
  3. I bet Pete's got this running through his head if he doesn't he does now
  4. I think they are a bit optimistic with the speedo or is that KM/H
  5. I know that couple its Wolfie and colleen living in Swansea and i recognise a few more from other rally's
  6. If it goes that way i hope you get the chance to tell the ungrateful bitch how much you sacrificed to help her and while your at it tell her why you didn't go to her wedding preferably with her mouth taped up so she cant interrupt you she's pissing me off fuck it i'm coming out to tell her myself
  7. This was my second attempt video just doesn't show how steep and loose this is, looks bloody flat LOL
  8. Our route was basically this very little tarmac
  9. Somebodies going to ask so it may as well be me, i really need some clarification on what that is and what did you do with the rest of the body
  10. My mate phoned tonight as i got home from work asking if i fancied a ride out on the Beta's, at first i wasn't to keen but remembered i am working away next week and probably the week after so wont get a chance for a while, it was just a local run on the mountains i haven't ridden in years Made our way up to what is locally called the tump to have a play which is this old coal tip (Photo from google) There was a few miles of horrible rutted tracks to get there had a little play on the hill climbs certainly feeling my age now i used to fly up these like they weren't there many years ago on real crap bikes just about cutting it on the new one LOL Me having a go And my mate fucking show off LOL I think my mate has a video of me at the top of this looking down. i didn't start recording soon enough when he went up i failed on the first attempt but ok on the second Some fantastic views from the top I took the easy route back down From here we moved onto our furthest point from home through lots of deep water and ruts no photos of those bits started heading back from here on the opposite side of the valley Stopped here for a photo the clouds were rolling in over the valleys in the distance with the sun going down the photo doesn't do it justice phone couldn't cope with the sun We thought we better get a move on as the sun was going down and we were having trouble navigating because they have built a lot of access roads for the wind turbines since the last time i was here which have dead ends on them so after turning around a few times we decided to cut across country to get to where we wanted to go but came across a wire strung about 3ft off the floor, without thinking i grabs hold of it to lift it up to ride under its a bloody electric fence fuck they hurt LOL anyhow we gets to where we wanted to be The ground was as boggy as i remember and my mate gets a little stuck he says its not going anywhere I said give it some gas but he was right it wasn't going anywhere (look away now Pete) LOL took us about half hour to free it the ground just didn't want to give it up My bike waiting patiently It was a straight forward ride from here and got home just after dark i need more evenings like this
  11. That does not look safe can you put up another photo up of it more secure so i can sleep tonight
  12. Why do i get the feeling this is going to be the most underwhelming reveal of this century
  13. Its almost as amazing as someone who actually checked how many voted
  14. painted today i'll put it back together in the evenings this week
  15. As in she would be better if she was in Poland Lol
  16. Trouble is i can't do pretty welds but i'm a dab hand with a grinder
  17. That's what i meant about my cheep shot at you being cheep
  18. he's had one of those before so i don't think he will be getting another when there's stuff on the list he hasn't had
  19. so you've had 13 gay relationships
  20. that's an old one this is the same year as mine but is surprising only a few kilos heavier but holds more fuel so if you take that into account not far off the same weight https://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/bmw/bmw_r1200gs 16.htm
  21. Too heavy so i don't think its this one plus he likes a single
  22. Not my one its 232kg i think the GS is over 250kg before the owners bolt another 500kg of crap to it
  23. That's another reason i'm thinking its the CRF because he hates overweight monstrous behemoths probably why he doesn't like his boys polish woman sluggish and unresponsive handling whilst riding
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