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Everything posted by MooN

  1. I phoned work yesterday, just to make sure I was due back on Monday... "Oh no" they said, we've had a load more cancellations so won't be starting back till the 3rd may. I wonder if they'd have actually told me before monday morning if I hadn't phoned? so, another week of furlough for me! This weekend, i will be riding.... not far, but riding. We're still restricted to 10 km from home ( straight line distance) BUT, are allowed beyond that for neccessary shopping or services. So I have found a barber about 30 km away ( the one I usually use is closed as it's inside a shopping mall) so I'm due there this afternoon. I might get lost on the way home... tomorrow I have worked out a route of around 140km that stays within the confines of the 10km perimiter... so some serious adventuring
  2. well spotted! I'm also just sick and tired of people just being absolute fuckwits.
  3. I've always done it instinctively, Interesting what you say about trail bikes though Buck cos I've always used the rear brake to sit the bike further down into a corner. I find front brake use tends to sit the bike up.
  4. you know I've got 3 kids right...
  5. In the world at large today, everything is somebody else's fault, nobody accepts responsibility for anything, be it politicians, companies, drivers, school teachers or parents, whatever goes wrong is always the fault of somebody else, at all professional levels. if the professionals refuse to take responsability for their own decisions or shortcomings then you can't expect the moronic amoebas and bottom feeders nourished by an incessant supply of media effluent and mindless televised drivel to man up and accept responsability for their own failings. In the absence of any logical or credible alternative, they simply make something up, however implausible and in this domain there is a stunning ability to deny all logical or intelligent argument ( or any scientefic or tangible proof for that matter) simply on the grounds that it doesn't suit their purpose.
  6. What I could really do with is you popping round to explain that to my employers. they don't seem capable of comprehending that either they find me an office job, or I will shortly suffer catastrophic and definitive mechanical rupture ( back, shoulders, knees or hips). I have now requested, in writing, twice, a meeting with them to discuss possible solutions. I'm still waiting.
  7. Christ, that's nearly a month for x ray results! this year I have had , cardiac scan, thoracic x-ray, shoulder scan, shoulder x ray and echography of right hand. ALL results available to me and copied to my GP within 48hrs ( the thoracic and cardiec stuff was via the ICU so normal, the rest was 24hrs except for the shoulder x ray which was 48, the hand ecography results took 15 minutes... I know the french system is faaaaaar from perfect but it sounds like the NHS in the UK has given up the struggle!
  8. fucking idiots, you don't moor a boat on a slip. God lazy journalists boil my piss! I don't expect them to know what they're talking about, but when you don't know you go and fucking ask someone who does. wankers all of them. rant over.
  9. they don't seem to us e doppler much here, preferring satelite images. I found this, which is shite
  10. full of (k)nits constantly needling each other ...
  11. the RNLI ( UK Lifeboats) on the south coast used to say something similar about the french SNSM ( French Lifeboats)?
  12. like I said Bob, I read it somewhere... can't remember where but probably on tinternet so not a relieble source by any stretch
  13. clear skies here, not very warm though
  14. yeah, for the moment. I read somewhere thet in the UK you can be fined 3000£ for leaving the country ( or returning?) but that tourists from other countries could come and go from the UK as they please.... WTF ? similar story from Spain?
  15. or getting ome shots of him out on his bike will mean he's been testing acid.... fukmine, imagine Buck on acid ? ?
  16. looks like sweet F A this weekend, still restricted to a 10km radius, kids at home and Madame is working all weekend. Can I be arsed to start the "nd pair of shutters for the front of the house? The suspense is killing me...
  17. The trans sibierien, Vladivostok - Moscow has been my dream trip since I was about 6. originally wanted to do the train ride but once I got riding I've wanted to do it by bike. The dream is not dead, but it gets a litle less likely with each passing season and then I came across some aussi dude who rode it as part of Sydney to London, alone, at 70 something and the lights go back on... more realistically, I have a fully planned route for a trip visiting all the capital cities of the schengen area. 21 cities 30 days 10900km +/- 3500€ budget 'soon as I can sell a child or 2 ... ?
  18. Oh, it's a cup holder! I have the same on mine but have always used it as an ash tray...
  19. I think that if it was likely to cost 30€ there would be less trouble...
  20. MooN

    Old sayings.

    "raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock"
  21. You'll be impressed to hear that I have done sweet F.A. today. slapped a coat of varnish on the other side of the shutters so I can put them back together tomorrow. went for a stroll with the kids and took the bottles to the bottle bank. Ho Hum...already bored with Lockdown 3
  22. where's "MA" the US I guess?
  23. South west, not a region I know... I'm in Burgundy.
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