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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. Brilliant. And you say your balance feels a bit off?!!!
  2. But they do though dont they, regularly. Last year I rode to Sheppey. It was full of hundreds of dead fish, Wessex water killed an estimated 8000 fish. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/somerset-news/somerset-river-pollution-killed-8000-5741611 I looked it up and even though its only supposed to happed under certain circumstances (the storm stuff you mention) it happens all the time. Unless the Environment Agency is fibbing but I don't think thats their bag. Here's a more recent article. 375,000 times last year. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/31/sewage-released-into-english-rivers-for-27m-hours-last-year-by-water-firms
  3. I read that when the drought thingy is announced water companies they can no longer release sewage into the rivers. Is that true and what do they do with it when that happens?
  4. We really do have an amazing knack of building thriving industries and then destroying them!
  5. Sounds nice though. Closest we’d get is French dip (usually baguette) but thats not ours either
  6. London broil (marinated beef broil) is an American thing we don’t have it here. We dont broil any meat. Roast, bake, slow cook, grill, fry yes broil nope.
  7. Dunno what like button to click on that, enjoy some epicaricacy and laughy face, sad face cos no-one wants to be at a wedding tomorrow, like cos its nice your sisters getting married or the cup cos thanks for sharing. Ill skip them all and leave you a forecast..
  8. Sanding more fucking doors. When will this end?
  9. They like their leaders delusional or demented as opposed to the UKs preference for clown shaped.
  10. A spliced cock? Sounds painful. Im going back to the sanding, its mind numbing but at least not mentally scarring!
  11. Brilliant Michelle. I love the write ups with your posts. Im surprised to read you're deciding whether to continue with the trailer tent or buy a house. House that decision going?
  12. They stayed in room 1914, the service was shite but they left a tip anyway.
  13. I’m a tad disappointed I had a whole orchestrated anti war protest involving defacing a coin of the realm in mind
  14. That sounds totally plausible. Is it true?! I really want it to be
  15. Lovely. What a genteel way to waste your time. Bit of a surprise to see her "..other stamped coin which I won't read out.." Must have been stamped by a relative of someone on this forum
  16. No I wouldnt use my main phone off road or even off tarmac either. They cost too much and aren't exactly a nice biodegradable disposable item But the Garmin fits nicely in that holder too.
  17. Its all Ive used for the last 5 years an Ive never had a problem with damaging the phone (just with it not being bright enough and stopping f’ing charging in heavy rain) so it doesn’t concern me. I have got and old iPhone 7 that I should probably use instead of my new phone in case I ruin the image stabilisation but I cant be arsed to carry two phones, The Garmin is lovely, clear to read, simpler screen layout but its just not as accurate by any stretch.
  18. Ugly looking, marks the bars, annoying to transfer between bikes, stupidly priced and often have some clunky case for your phone you don't want to leave on there. Been using this for 7 years, fits all phones and the Garmin zumo, cheap, easy to change from one bike to another, can use it on a test ride because it causes no damage and its never dumped my phone out. You do have to have space on the bars for it but I've tried it on eight bikes now and theres always been enough room. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08D7YQ98F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The battery pack holder doesnt fit under the bars though but the holder is stretchy enough you can squeeze a flat rectangular pack in with the phone. Having said all that I quite like the wired in Garmin charger/holder that came with the Zumo. Still ugly, expensive and non transferable.
  19. Don't understand it, they love the royals and he's stinking rich n looks like Prince Charles
  20. If you believe in things you cant see based on a emotion then thats all superstition is - a belief based on a feeling. Don't get me wrong Im not particularly superstitious myself I just think the 'if I cant see it I don't believe it' doesnt apply to a lot of things. Especially humans and their beliefs which are usually illogical captain.
  21. I remember that. The well trotted out line is - so you dont believe in love then?
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