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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. Nah just not some snore fest he's likely to fall asleep riding.. or looking at.. or talking about.
  2. Quite a departure from the aesthetic Saul enjoys.
  3. Bit of a change there Saul, prior to this you were saying you were done with all that distance riding and powerful bikes, guess the ride report and bimbling about has got to you?! Welcome to a slippery slope
  4. Thanks Saul. Some nice looking bikes there. The Himalayan isn't specifically disliked here (apart from by Pete ), it has been a commonly owned bikes by members
  5. When you've started watching a series and a family member see's what you're watching and says "Oh I'd like to watch that" and even though you're quite far into the first hour you go back to the beginning and dutifully sit through the first bit again. Then something happens and viewing ceases for it to end up in a pile of other half watched things you can't finish because apparently you're now watching them with someone else. Screw family TV time, long live individual screens and personalised content
  6. Thats great news. Congrats to both of them. My eldest who is home for Christmas announced it was just easier for him to live here and as the landlord had increased their rent by £100 unless he reduced it back down he'd be moving back end of June. Love having my boys home but it's amazing how quickly you get used to not running around after everyone else... looking into buying a place in Bristol
  7. Have you tried having electrolytes in your last glass of water? Just plain ones. Same as some people retain too much sodium some people retain too little, and for some it's self imposed by concerns about blood pressure and the old (incorrect) advice about drinking at least 4 pints of water a day, the bodies reaction is to get rid of the excess fluid to keep the electrolyte balance correct. Quite a few night time pee'rs find it a good solution. https://eletewater.co.uk
  8. Aways find myself wondering what they died of when it's deliberately omitted.
  9. Yer but old bikes seem to be ok in Brizzle so no excuse not to take your little bundle for a nice lunch
  10. Blimey they are some extensive slightly complicated rules they're bringing in. 7 out of 10 cities prohibiting approximately 75% of traffic from city centres from 2023 I've been riding through 2 that where introduced a while ago in Valladolid and Madrid. Granada's on that list as is Motril. Fortunately foreign polluters don't count and our bikes are compliant anyway so no biggy but it's going to be interesting seeing the mass ditching of old cars.
  11. I meant having to pay attention and recast your vote, whatever suits.
  12. I like the coloured film footage they do now technology’s moved on. When they started doing it it was so clumsily done it ruined the footage but now it make it seem more real. The footage they’ve done that shows people smiling and milling around outside their doors completely oblivious to what’s coming is always chilling.
  13. No chance of sweat, you’ll be too cold
  14. Delayed UBI, don’t know wtf I’ve done to my neck but it’s not happy. Woke me up multiple times, might have to move into old people territory and start taking painkillers before I go to sleep
  15. Same here. The Brit supermarket about half an hour away has started delivering to Salobreña but they charge €12 to deliver which I thinks a bit steep. But good news the 100mls liquid security restrictions are going to be phased out over the next couple of years and you'll be able to take what liquids you like in your hand luggage. The end of decanting stuff into miniature bottles that don't hold enough will be over. Well for the flying out of Britain part at least.
  16. Not cheap but they'll post most things.. except mince pies https://www.britishonlinesupermarket.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1PTDzcCD_AIViLbtCh2zQgMOEAAYASAAEgL67PD_BwE
  17. So @Pedro what I'm curious to know is how does it feel now? It was a momentous thing. Hope you feel good.
  18. Apparently he wanted to go to Hong Kong because they don't have a sexual offence register. Honestly I really wouldn't mind if they just chopped their nadgers off.
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