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  1. Past hour
  2. Good to see Fred today, a good days trail riding was had until I dropped my bike in a ford
  3. The hornet not a good commuter? I suspect you're after a second bike and looking for excuses.
  4. Today
  5. Actually my wife wouldn't mind me doing that it's the smell she would complain about
  6. I love being single, I have the turbo manifold off the car in bits on the kitchen worktop while I fit a new cartridge, you fuckers would be killed if you did that.
  7. Buckster


    Get one of those and you could lose the will to live, they are known as the dullville for a reason. A guy at work had one and eventually changed it for an electric scooter which he enjoys a lot more.
  8. You are thinking of the Glasgow Octagon.
  9. Is that the one up north where reality is as fluid as the weather?
  10. Saul


    I am seriously thinking about getting a 650 Deauville for commuting to work, does it make sense? or am I losing my grasp of reality?
  11. Or the Bermuda Triangle.
  12. Flounced for sure, couldn't stand the heat
  13. Bullet between the eyes.....NEXT!
  14. That’s fucking scandalous mate, honestly there seems to be very little real justice in this world. There are cunts like this twat that seem to breeze from one chaotic situation to another without much impact on their own lives whilst those that fall foul of them have to burden the real pain and suffering. I truly hope your cousin fully recovers and this fucking oxygen thief gets his just deserts inside. I dispair sometimes.
  15. 3 years 2 months .. the waist of space will be out in a year and a half .. should of got life , would of done his 6 year old kid a favour not having a fucking idiot like that round him
  16. Is this a good time to mention @busabeast?
  17. Your mother lives in a double wide?
  18. On the road...stopped at my mom's place for a few...before joining the gang for breakfast at a local restaurant...
  19. Buckster


    You are the master, I am but the humble student.
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