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  1. Past hour
  2. and looks like there will be a good crop of Cherry's soon..
  3. I wouldn't have thought so as my knob is redundant for that sort of activity nowadays .
  4. None of them look better, what a fecking hideous add on
  5. Dog walking in an hour or two. No beer for me tonight as I'm on anti-biotics
  6. Well, bugger all to do here, so i may take a walk to the shop by the scenic route, and see how Severn Trent are getting on with the pond.
  7. Send it if you want, if it doesn’t fit me I will give it to someone else in the HDRCGB.
  8. It will definitely fit you....sell it and donate the money to your church...do you have any idea how much this jacket cost new ?
  9. Today
  10. That actually the part that didn't fit me well ...the arm were a tad to long...well do you want the fucken thing ?.been sitting in my garage for years..I tried selling it...on marketplace and no one wanted it...beleive it or not...sell it if it doesn't fit...I couldn't care less..
  11. It will be too short in the arms for me, I’m a tall guy. Unlike you.
  12. If I'm not mistaken...think it'd water proof also...but I haven't tested it out myself.
  13. Large...it's harley Large.. found it a little large for myself when I bought it...but now it would probably fit me...
  14. You want this...it's practically new..think I had it on twice...I can ship the works to you..
  15. You want some...lol...slightly used...I can’t wear them in public since the indian purchase...
  16. The same...I do like the location for the extra driving lights..it will be a winter project...I try to avoid riding at night has much has possible due to wild life...the headlight on the thing isn't the best...it's led light but don't know...it just sucks I guess..it's a real struggle to see anything at night...the extra lights will be and improvement I think...
  17. You can’t see them when I’m riding and I only buy ones off the sale rack, I think I have only ever paid full price for a Harley shirt once and that was for someone else.
  18. I very rarely use the audio on mine as well, sometimes for the morning radio when I’m at a rally or if I am doing something on the bike.
  19. Yes you can also with this ...storage or speaker pods...I'm not a big fan of Loud music on a bike..it's off 90% of the time...use it mostly for local radio station in towns I'm riding through...the fairing upper speakers are plenty Loud..6.5 inch with 100 watts...
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