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Everything posted by boboneleg

  1. Nah, it was Marcel himself that likened a woman's private area to a sandwich
  2. Nothing to do with you wanting a sandwich then
  3. Why is Jesus holding a flag of the cross of St. George. I never had him down as a football hooligan
  4. I'm loving the Renault 4, back in the day I remember them for having the slowest 0-60mph speed of any car on the road That particular one is ace as the registration plate could be interpreted as saying ' oh 60 ' !!
  5. Excellent ride report @Pedro, you seemed to fit in an amazing amount of stuff considering how close you were to home
  6. I remember those Fred, didn't you use them when we went to France/Italy ?
  7. Yep, it's always a bimble on mine
  8. I have a TKC front on my Donkey (inherited it with the bike), it's just done 2500 miles through France (roads and trails). Looks fine to me
  9. Fuckmine, the Harley's are doing well wot say you @Slowlycatchymonkey
  10. A 'hair salon' of Vespas
  11. It doesn't look like a very big plate, are you on rations
  12. Twat , what part of that applies to mototcycles .................
  13. We were cider fuelled for most of the holiday , 6 blokes on a barge
  14. I was listening to an interesting programme about the use of collective nouns. I'm sure all of us have heard about a 'pride' of Lions or a 'murder' of Crows but what about a 'murmuration' of Starlings ? This got me thinking about how we might use collective nouns to describe motorcycles ? I'll start with a 'gayness' of Harleys What have you got ?
  15. This hot dry weather hasn't been very kind to the garden at all but our Yukka plants have thrived in it. For only the second time they have flowered............. and Sunny has come out as well...............
  16. They grow hops in Herefordshire , not as many as are grown in Kent as the main crop is cider apples but you do see fields of them.
  17. Nice, I can remember going across there in a boat about 42 years ago
  18. Fuckmine Marcel you got Fred and Six mixed up.......................
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