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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. You bugger this was top secret I've already given the wife a row for putting it on facebutt now the whole world knows my birthday
  2. There's even one there for Clive
  3. Yes i bumped into him a few years ago its called trike design he also does adaptions for disabled people as well https://www.trike-design.co.uk/information/disabled-adaptions/
  4. When he moved from bikes to trikes he started making a reversible conversion kit so you could make your standard bike into a Trike without chopping it up and you could change it back because everything was just bolt on. He still does bikes as well
  5. The place i go for my MOT is like that just turn up and stick the kettle on
  6. I used to hang around Hanks Chop Shop on the Broadway Cardiff that was a proper spit and sawdust place along with the scrap yard type dog/wolf LOL There was nothing they couldn't build there
  7. Well that's obvious because they let you in and even let you stay
  8. more chance of getting a photo of skyrider's bike then that happening
  9. Same with my boy said he had to go when the wife was on the phone to him because he was cooking meals for the week and the washing machine had just finished a load, couldn't get him to swill his breakfast bowl when he was home
  10. Check out the first Harley one, quality almost as good as the chinks https://www.femamotorcycling.eu/consumer-information/rapid-alert-system-recalls/?fbclid=IwAR0d3HYEq9izB0f1ebIUWKkLGs6ztv4MEEsXTVCLRMMhCgm2fagJTFZ5P4U
  11. So you say but i know what a bunch women are like together what happens on tour stays on tour eh
  12. Because he can see if the dog in his handlebar basket is putting his paws over his ears or not every time he brakes silly
  13. Have you been getting English lessons from Marcel
  14. Same with me used to be unbearable and probably would have got rid of the bike if i couldn't sort it. what was strange was some owners had no issue at all and couldn't understand others with the problem.
  15. Fitted a similar thing to the Africa Twin to stop the updraft vibrating your helmet, you should have seen some of the comments on the group page it ranged from, you don't need it to it will create lift and make the front wheel light and handling crap. I did need it because i noticed the difference straight away and no it doesn't create lift dopey fuckwits
  16. She was a good looking girl what happened to her
  17. I only mentioned it so you could see what its like when you do it and don't provide any photographic evidence
  18. i can see it but shouldn't it be laying on it's side
  19. Sounds like the only thing you needed to be in her "league" was a large bank balance
  20. I got out early this morning with my mate on the Betas had a good day but didn't take a single photo to prove it
  21. For some reason i watched that all the way through LOL
  22. See there were some benefits to being deaf we have to remember to turn the sound off every time
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