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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. They are never allowed to release sewage into the rivers that is only supposed to happen in storm conditions when treatment works, CSO's and pumping stations cant take whats going into them. They will always discharge final effluent into them though that is what it is after its all been treated. Apparently its clean enough to drink but nobody i know is willing to try it
  2. Come on @Grasshopper's Ride Socks and sandals, really beautiful country though
  3. Not really its the AD plants that really stink on the treatment works.
  4. That's a storm screen in a CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) meaning surface water can enter the sewer in storm conditions and combine with the sewage and overflow to the environment but go through that screen first, so stops your rags, sewer mice and big lumps of poo entering the water course it spills to
  5. Just spent three and a half hours driving home from north wales in that heat and sat here now with 37.6 showing on the thermometer but its a nice 23.6 in my house I think i shall be mostly staying in this weekend. The wife and boy have gone to Bloodstock rock festival the boy is camping and the wife is in a hotel
  6. I remember when I was about 15 me and a friend were working on his pushbike in my shed at my parents house and i put this on knowing it was quiet at the beginning I turned it up load my mate said its fucking windy up here Fred I said eh? and then he jumped a mile when it started
  7. Looking at the the crowd your bothering with lately it wont be long before you have tassels hanging off the bar ends
  8. You fucking liar every bike you have has a massive cube attached to the back of it that has to be your mascot
  9. The time varies on the time of day your travelling but I have found google maps to be pretty good on times of arrival with the exception of the unforeseen accidents obviously
  10. I wanted to be animal but probably more like beaker
  11. Sunset at the hotel looking out to the wind turbines in the Irish sea
  12. Flint Castle before I left work for the hotel tonight
  13. Why wasn't I invited to the forum members gathering
  14. That's great its more what it actually looked like when i took the photo, you lose so much in a photo i'll have to try that.
  15. That's right @boboneleg he does not do a correct Welsh accent just like Pete doesn't fucking Swansea Jack
  16. How about a photo someone took of me today
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