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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. Honestly its hard to notice the road sign when they're stuck in views like that
  2. Yesterday evening was better, Ottolenghi’s Prawn n Corn Taquito’s with chilli, lime n sour cream. Didn’t look great but tasted fantastic
  3. Oh bejeezus I forgot December is the month of even more holidays here. What’s being celebrated now? Is it ‘The cow that was born on a Thursday Festival’?
  4. Bobotie Not often made with plantains cos they’re not readily available in a lot of countries so when I spied them I thought ah I’ll do Bobotie. Other than looking pretty, they didn’t add to it. When Mr Slowly asked what the topping was I said translated they are called “banana potato” hehehe
  5. Nope hadn't seen it, tbh I avoid reading about what Tory cunts are saying to justify their behaviour over the NHS, it upsets me. But I did see the Tory MP's all cheering in the Houses of Parliament when they stopped Nurses pay rise just before the pandemic. Then I watched them claim the credit for the excellent work the NHS did and knew their synchophantic rhetoric would turn into damning sound bites as soon as it was over and they'd stuffed their friends and families pockets with billions and there's no money left for the likes of you. Urgh.
  6. Don't listen to the Devil man he speaks with forked tongue
  7. Fair enough. But this bit does sound like you're saying 111 is run by Nurse Practitioners or Advanced paramedics and thats why it is the way it is - Yep it can be utterly soul destroying, I don't know a single happy NHS employee and thats not because they don't like their job it's because they can't do their job properly and like you say the attitude of the general public towards you can be the icing on the cake. I anticipate if the nursing strikes go ahead it will be twisted into the nurses who are destroying the NHS and endangering patients, not the gross mistreatment of the staff by ministers who don't give a shit unless their re-election is threatened or they need medical help themselves!
  8. This is most misleading. The calls are answered by ‘trained people’. This mostly means theyre trained to follow a flow chart and know f’ll. They have to tick boxes that an algorithm then dictates the outcome. It very basically tries to establish if the person is in any immediate danger and if they’re not tell them to see their GP. Personally I’ve used 111 once. The lack of basic knowledge was appalling. I doubled checked who’s manning it in case this has changed and it hasn’t. No need to sully the name of nurse practitioners or advanced paramedics, they maybe in charge of the service but your chances of speaking to someone medically trained are remote which is why 111 isn’t fit for purpose. Like you say money money money.
  9. Urr wasn't that my point? Have a re-read
  10. I know, good right, I was going for a type of oxymoron
  11. What are you fucking alluding to?
  12. In case I haven't mentioned it many many times I don't like shopping, especially for appliances. The oven back in Blighty has packed up for the millionth time (it is 21years old) so I have to buy a new oven. There are so many of the bastard things available with wildly differing price tags. So feckin bored looking at them, so many damning reviews about the loss of quality and reliability in previously trusted brands. I won't ask you to guess where they are all manufactured now edit: balls to it, I'm gonna have a large Whisky and scroll down the page like a roulette wheel, wherever it stops thats the oven I'm buying
  13. Buying Japanese was a massive nono. The cruelty was on another level and would never be forgotten. But eventually you have to let these things go (not forget them just let them go) and the Suzuki was the first Japanese thing I bought only 2 years ago. Oddly enough this unspoken rule didnt apply to German stuff?! Go figure
  14. Ah right no I was talking about the journey manufacturers take when they're engineering something. The improvements come in increments, nothing is at it's peak on first release... unless Venture capatlists or investment firms get involved and then it's guaranteed the peak is over
  15. I'll be honest while I appreciate the excellence of the Japanese engineering, I don't share your enthusiasm for their work ethic or standards in general. Poor old Uncle Doug was well and truly fucked forever after he was tortured in a Japanese Camp and would be turning in his grave if he knew I'd bought a Jap bike!
  16. As I said a lot of people will say they were unreliable at the beginning, I also said even if that's not true it doesn't matter, the manufacturers all have to go on that journey. The Brit bike industry blinkered arrogance meant some didn't and didnt survive as a consequence, eventually they started to catch up.. a bit. Theres no comparison between an unreliable Brit bike from the 60's/70's and now.
  17. There are plenty of people about who will testify that Jap bikes were at the beginning notoriously unreliable but even if they're all wrong and Jap bikes appeared on the scene fault free they still had to make the same journey, they just did it decades ago and the Indian market (who may never get there) are only at the beginning of making bikes just about good enough for a 1st World market. Having said that from the Indian market all you really have to go on is Royal Enfield who made mistakes and come from a completely different base to Mahindra. I agree the Chinese are badge buyers but my point his you're condemning a bike (like so many others are) before it's even released. TBH even if it's outstanding I'd expect it to get bagged to death based on nothing more than old school prejudice.
  18. They were still considered a joke Pete, whether they were good or not they got dismissed because they weren't the favoured bike of that generation... sound familiar If you took any marque that survived the idiocy of the British management that pumelled them into the ground and rode a bike from back them compared to now there would be a huge difference, they improved, they had to.
  19. Yer and once upon a time Jap bikes were a joke, things change, it's not the 60's anymore. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying they're great, I can't, I haven't ridden one, neither have you but they're not going to be the crap engineering you rode way back when. I wouldn't write them off based on experiences of many decades ago. If you'd done that you wouldn't be riding your fine Jap bike now. Yes they are trading on looks and nostalgia but one foot in the past is popular as you often prove. I also wouldn't write them off because they were called Punjab or Poppadom either.
  20. Kailash, Jagdish, Chandra, Malik, Anand were their names. Off you trot, have your little Britain moment
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