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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. Love it. Really wish I’d bought the Scout 60 when I had the opportunity. Haven’t ruled it out in the future.
  2. I rarely buy biscuits but it seems a bit rude not to offer people working in your house a cup o tea and a biscuit so I bought some hobnobs. I’ve just retrieved them from the dogs bed somehow my lazy arthritic 12inch (max) high knackered 11 year old dog found it in herself to jump on a chair onto the kitchen table Fortunately her remaining three teeth only managed to power through maybe two biscuits before she was caught. I wouldn’t mind so much if she had some sort of idea she’s the one in the wrong and wasn’t now giving me really evil looks for taking them away
  3. Not so sure about that, he started off well with a nice little chinese 125 same as mine but seems to have gone awry Did you every see the Jonathon Ross interview with him a long time ago? He looks like his head gives him a hard time!
  4. Damn it, can't avoid it any longer, I have to work, and double speed to catch up
  5. He is, and a bit of a fruit loop t'boot but I suppose thats the artistic temperament for you. Jodie Comer is also very good and apparently the other lead guy who played Elvis is supposed to be alright too. But I read bed bugs have made it to our shores from gay Paree where they are currently hanging out on the Metro and in Cinema seats so I'm might skip seeing it at the cinema
  6. Nope, rejected every single time
  7. Finished Black Ops on the BBC irreverent and amusing. Watched the trailer for The Bikeriders. Got pretty good reviews from the critics but no confirmed release date because of the writers strike.
  8. Yer it's been being implemented for a long long time. Facial recognition has been in use in Bristol since I can remember so no biggy. But everytime they trial it in Spain it's a disaster so I can't wait Mr Slowly can never get through the e-gates in Bristol but they make him queue and prove it first then go and queue again where there's a real person. This time he lost his temper and swore at the border guard. He said your e-gates are fucking crap. The border guard replied yeah I know, they're rubbish, one little tiny thing and they reject it. And thats the version they've been refining for donkeys
  9. Morning. Anyone got a bypass Monday password?
  10. The new animal rights bill that passed recently in Spain is pretty extensive and yet they had to exclude bull fighting to get it through. That story was from Santander and there's some jumbo month long bull fighting thing in Madrid. There seems to be bullfighting in all the major cities. But I still don't understand how anyone would want to watch it! Everyone knows you shouldn't play with your food. Anyway the paper says theres gale force winds ripping up trees and crushing car in Andalucia, glad I rode to Malaga airport yesterday and not today! Is it windy in midget land?
  11. I don't understand the attraction of this. I understand it's traditional but so are lots of barbaric things best left in the past. Does anyone actually enjoy seeing an animal slowly tortured to death? Who goes to watch this stuff? https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2023/07/28/bulls-revenge-bullfighter-suffers-horrific-goring-while-rescuing-fellow-fighter-in-spains-santander/comment-page-1/#comment-518618
  12. You'll have to ask someone else cos to me it just looks like harmless piss taking.
  13. He only admitted it because the gay rights campaigners were outraged cos they knew he was gay and gonna out him. So he got out in front of it and said it was experimental I’m not really gay He’s not daft.
  14. Depends what you call lying. A gay man voting against gays rights and describing Margaret Thatcher as liberal is never gonna make my Christmas list. The u-turn kid, I’m gay, I’m not gay, I’m pro section 28, I’m anti it. I also watched him on a lifeswap prog donkeys ago when an MP. He’d made outrageous statements about benefits being too good and eagerly accepted a challenge to live as a single mum for a week on benefits to prove his point. He genuinely believed they had plenty of money and proceeded to demonstrate (in common with most of the Tory scum) that he had no empathy, absolutely no idea what things cost or how hard life can at the bottom of the pile. Another privileged, utterly clueless twat in a position of power. Towards the end of the week there was absolutely no money or food left apart from a couple of eggs. When he cracked the second egg it splattered onto the dirty kitchen floor. He scooped up what he could with his fingers, put it in the pan and fed it to her kids. As you can tell I have no love for the man! But it’s the Pyrenees so I’ll defo watch it
  15. A great many things! It was peaceably navigated by Mr Slowly but honestly if you looked arsehole up in the dictionary then her name would be there. They are withholding it because she didn’t think it was the right time to give it to him (ie we have decided he’s irresponsible). They didn’t withhold his brothers. An empty card, no explanation and a lemon zester in the shape of a guitar on his 21st. What 21 year old boy hasn’t dreamt of a lemon zester for their birthday?! Anyway apparently they have withheld two other grandchildren’s before based on believing them to “not be ready”. They just like to make nasty judgmental statements and dangle money on the end of beating stick for fun. My boy hasn’t taken it too badly but is understandably a bit insulted. Great 21st birthday gift ay- ‘happy birthday, we think you’re immature’ The complete lack of explanation and making Mr Slowly ask about it is pure manipulation. But we are talking about people who made and still try to make their own children compete viciously against each other for the prize of who’s the favourite child. Now they do the same with the grandchildren. Mr Slowlys sister actually asked her psycho parents when they were all out for dinner in front of my two and her two boys “So who’s the best grandchild?” Repeating it and insisting she wanted an answer! My boys just won’t play it so it’s probably punishment. They just looked at each other and eye rolled. Fortunately they know a twat when they see one Personally if I was 80 I wouldn’t be dangling money and playing games, if she drops dead that won’t get you remembered fondly! As if that’s gonna happen anyway
  16. Cheers Pete. Will watch this later
  17. Well I think it's all kicking off with Mr Slowlys mum. I'm sitting here waiting for the news from the pews and they've been gone for an hour and a half which is never a good sign. The back story is Granny gives all of her grandchildren £1000 on their 21st birthday. My youngest opened his birthday card and it was empty. It's not his fault, if anything they've favour him most highly but she plays nasty games and it looks like this is one of them. Mr Slowly is savage. Unless theres a reasonable explanation it'll be explosive. Eastenders drum fill right here
  18. Flight delayed for an hour and I got no reading glasses with me so brace for more typos than youvccce evr sin…
  19. Quite possibly the most irritating photo/post a person could ever make but I did it so here it is Won’t be back in Spanner til December, so for ease am leaving it set up ready for everyone to walk through the door Crimbo time. That’s right folks it’s a feckin Christmas tree in October Albeit a tacky pop up Christmas tree but it’s better than nothing. Feel the pain, Christmas is round the corner rahahaa
  20. Fair enough. Still missing my quaint newspaper fix!
  21. Where is Yen? I miss the Spitalfields newspaper reports.
  22. I don’t quite understand how the phone will be any less wrecked by vibrations coming through the frame than using it on the bars (with some sort of dampener that is). Surely if the image stabilisation ruiner thing is an issue then the only reasonable place to put it is on your body?
  23. @Saul does it not come with USB charging points on it? Not a criticism just curious.
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