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Everything posted by Tango

  1. I go in on Thursday evening @Slowlycatchymonkey, to be zapped on Friday morning if it all goes to plan. Spent a few hours over the weekend filling in the various forms, with the help of my good friend Deepl!
  2. I remember when one of my mates got a CX500 when they first came out, it looked huge at the time! I laugh when I see them, as they look tiny now!
  3. Only a couple of days with luck, Pete.
  4. Probably not doing a lot this weekend. Maybe a cycle ride tomorrow morning, but only if the wind drops a bit! Got to get the forms filled in ready for hospital next Thursday. Just been uploading all the required documents to get our French Tax return done. Mandy is hopeless at the admin side of things, so I need to make sure that it all gets done!
  5. Got your monies worth out of them then! The Audi needs new tyres and brake pads/disks, and the service is overdue, so that could end up costing a fair bit! The insurance for Mandy's car has just renewed, 905€! It's not like it's a performance car or anything and that's with the full NCD that you can get here (50%)!
  6. 20C, but blowing a hoolie here!
  7. What's the tread depth limit there, Pete?
  8. It actually was. I wonder if the new Transalp would suit the roads around here too?
  9. Mandy's car is keyless, which takes a bit of getting used to, but the Audi has a good old fashioned key! I'm OCD, so losing the key isn't an issue for me, but Mandy.................!
  10. I have been up there a couple of times. The first time I found some of the roads were very small and covered in green moss, as they were under trees. I then ran into a thick bank of cloud, which wasn't so much fun. But I'm planning on heading up there and across to the Pyrénées at some point during the summer.
  11. We'll call them by their local name, les montagnes noires, if that makes you feel any better?
  12. I've just looked it up and they're definitely the black mountains. Apparently they're the far southwest end of the Massif Centrale. They're about a 40 minute drive from here and we sometimes head up there for some walks.
  13. In the last photo, Bob? If so, they are the Black Mountains. We have the Pyrénées to the west of us and the Black Mountains to the north. I think that they may be part of the Corbieres, but they are definitely referred to as the Black Mountains by the locals.
  14. It's pretty mild here today, but the forecast is predicting 90kmh winds over the next couple of days! Not going to be cold, just very windy! Got back from the ride this morning and had trouble opening the front door. Brute force won the day, but the lock mechanism has been dodgy since we moved in, so I've bitten the bullet and ordered a new lock mechanism. Unfortunately it won't be a direct replacement for the current one, so there's likely to be some modifications to be made to get it to fit. Shame that I got rid of most of my woodworking tools before I moved over here. Ho hum!
  15. Got out on the ebike this morning. It had rained overnight, but had stopped and was quite mild when we set off. Some nice backroads and tracks on this route. Bike needs a bit of a wash now.
  16. Hopefully Mandy will be in a better mood tonight than she was last night! She had a right moody on! Seems that she's trying to overturn some decisions that were made before she was in post, which most people seem to agree with her, but the decisions were made by a committee and it seems that she can't overturn them unless she reconvenes the committee and gets their agreement. Her boss wants the decisions implemented quickly, but trying to get the original committee together is like herding cats! She was all for telling them to poke it last night! So, she could be unemployed by tonight!
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