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Everything posted by MooN

  1. I heard tell of that from an iraq / Afganistan veteran.
  2. Exciting day so far, I just spent an hour unblocking the Bathroom drains. Is it frowned upon to forcefully shave your childrens heads? Asking for a friend...
  3. That is exacyly my point. Everybody says "Beer"! However I drink less than a beer a week on average so it ain't that.
  4. Fuckmine, The Police should be allowed to "Cull" in these circumstances. Anyone incapable of either running away or supplyig a coherent argument for their defence should be considered as victims of Dawinian selection and turned into dogfood.
  5. Oh Crap! I hpe they get better quickly. I had a 24h pseudo gastro thing that knocked me sidewasy yesterday evening, with stomach cramps, slight fever, sicky feeling and the ahits like ai haven't had in years, but was fine again by morning.
  6. i am officially "a bit miffed" this evening. I will admit to being a little overweight ( though I have been the same weight fro the last 10 years), so a couple of years ago I decided to reduce my sugar intake. I basically eliminated sugar form everything I could, tea and coffe, stopped eating stuff that I can't face without adding sugar ( yoghurt, cereal, etc) but changed little else. I had a blood test today and apparently my blood sugar levels are off the scale having skyrocketed since my last blood test a year ago... WTF! I think my wife says I can now only eat salad or raw carrots, with possibly some green beans, but steamed rather than properly cooked... there was a phrase that sprung immediatly to mind... "Fuck...That....Shit" I have now decided to transition, and from now on I identify as a slim healthy person and any one who says otherwise will find themselves in court with a lawsuit for refusing to aknowledge my right to identify as something other than what I was born as. You have been warned!
  7. Well Bobo's pic is a bit arty farty for my liking ( I know, I'm a phillistine), I can't vote for Pete, just cos... Saul had it last month, Yen's photo has clearly been tampered with , " There's no excuse for Suziki ownership" so that's Busabeat and six out, t is interesting to see that Buck has finally figured out aht a Harley is for, not only has he parked it on the harbour wall, he's fited it with a convenient wee bollard at one end to tie boats to... it would be ungentlemanly and vulgar to vote for oneself so that leaves Skippy! Good man, Top Pic
  8. see her posts often on fessbouc, still exploring the great white north I presume, lots of piccies anyway.
  9. just like brexit Pedro, you wanted it, now live with it!
  10. or just shorten them by a foot or two?
  11. i'm intriged, how do you use a computer if you're all ears...?
  12. it's a half scale replica. so the original is twice as big.
  13. MooN


    some do, they use it as a basis for other drinks, ratafia, fortified wines and the like. others drink it neat as a digestive treat after a meal. In my experience, most of it is fucking rank rot gut that would be better used as paint atripper or posssibly as an octane booster for scooters, but from time to time you come across one that is really good. the landlord of the bar we meet in has some that he brews with a load of herbs and spices and I can drink that till the cows come home... or I fall over, which is usually quite quickly cos it's bloody strong! I didn't get to taste, but would probably have refused it anyway, it was quite possible coming out of the still at a far higher proof than he was telling, the floaty thing was graduated with hieroglyphs rather than anything intelligible and I have desire to go suddenly blind...
  14. MooN


    the twins had organised their 16th birtday party for saturday afternoon at home so as soon as I could decently do so I ran away. I put 150km round trip into Kurviger.de hit the "small windy roads setting, uploaded it to the phone, hit GO and was off out of it for a couple of hours... The route took me out to in a loop to the northwest of auxerre along, as programmed little back roads and lanes avoiding towns ( there aren't any towns in that direction for over an hours ride anyway) so I just enjoyed bimbling along enjoying the countryside and dodging the few rain showers that appeared. Spring seems tohave only partly sprung here, some of the open places are green and springing, but otheres no more than a km or so away seem to be still in the grip of winter. Thes two pics were taken maybe a couple of km's apart a chateau in the background. the grass is lush and green, but the hawthorn hedge has not a single bud on it yet, let alone a flower I though we could do with @Sir Fallsalot down Here to get this track entrance cleared. Fred, you might need more than your wee hand saw on this one mate It didn't look like it had been down long but it's been pretty windy round here for the last few weeks so there's a lot of dead wood come down. As I rode through the village of Escamps there was a sweet smell in the air that I could't quite identify, till I saw this behind the recycling bins on the edge of the village; I then knew what that wonderful smell was. it's a mobile still! I haven't seen one for years and theyre nearly all gone in most parts o the country, burgundy being one of the few regions where there are a rew still working. The operater trundles his still into the village, usually with the permission of the mayor, the locals bring him their fruit and he turns it into alcahol for them. I asked the guy if he minded me taking a pic and he was fine with it, but the two old blokes come to collect their "Goute" ( pronounced "goote" and literally meaning either taste or drop as in a drop of liquid) though thoruoghly affable and willing to chat, definately did not want to be in a photo... here he is removing the cooked remains of grapes from the third kettle the smell had me drooling at the mouth, te old blokes were saying that I shouldn't stand downwind of the still if I was going to get back on the bike... the still itself is qbout 80 years old the bloke reckons, and, interestingly, was origibally made in... Escamps! the stuff dripping into the jug qt the bottom of the still is anywhere between 55 and 80% proof, depending on what the client asks for. This perticulay stuff is about 60% and from grapes, yesterday he made some from pears and tomorrow h's got a load of cherries to do... drip, drip, drip.... All above board and taxes paid of course he says, and I believe him.... honest... Got home to find the party over, just a couple of kids still around and that they'd saved me a LARGE slice of birthday cake, so all good.
  15. you watching the delivery riders again?
  16. being as you don't carry a pillion Pete, could you not do something to bring that box down and forward, nearer the back of the seat rather than being on fucking stilts behind the bike ( and quite possibly abouve your shoulder height?)
  17. MooN

    Little Russia

    nice pcs, thanks Saul.
  18. MooN

    Port Brulé

    ahhhh, Nope. that's the major drawback ( no there's a good pseudonym) with our house is that it's fucking tiny, so unless we come into some money and sort out the studio in the courtyard, anybody coming here will have to find accomodation. For those with a van, there's a pikey camp about a mile down the river....
  19. lets just say I'm well out of it
  20. you don't half choose some silly places to ride a bike through though!
  21. MooN

    Need Models!

    nothing that looks remotely like spain... and a photo with an ooking great ape like me in it isn' going to help anybody's business...
  22. MooN

    Port Brulé

    well get your carcass down here and we'll go for a bimble. Now I have weekends off, and normal holidays and know in advance whet time i finish work, that sort of malarky should be easier to organise.
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