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Everything posted by Buckster

  1. They are dying in their thousands.
  2. What do you make of this @zzzak?
  3. Yoga is part of a false religion, if you do yoga then the devil puts bad stuff in your anus.
  4. I’m not sure it would fit. That said….
  5. They are not that unusual.
  6. You will need to describe the experience in detail to Pete.
  7. He could get bummed by a kangaroo.
  8. The old "do you want to see a puppy" line?
  9. I can help with that.
  10. She might want to watch, let’s face it, they won’t be interested in her.
  11. Hoping for a bit of jiggy with @zzzak are you?
  12. https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/environment/hundreds-of-harley-davidson-riders-are-set-to-roar-into-naseby-this-weekend-4169614
  13. I will send you Harley Edinburgh shirt in exchange.
  14. Trailer pictures soon! Are you all excited?
  15. Are you going completely off grid? No technology for the man to track you through?
  16. I hope you have a really good time and get to see lots of new and interesting things.
  17. Buckster


    @Majore Quillan?
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