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Man of the Year 2024
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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. Does that mean annoying cunt?
  2. Six went over to call Mawsley a cunt and they ended up banning both of us! And I haven't posted on there since 2020. But they've got form for holding me responsible for everything Six does.
  3. 15 year Flounce coming up!
  4. Not many options left open to me now!
  5. I know! It even makes me want to flounce!
  6. Joe Egan wants him now.....after Big John said he was a fraud!
  7. What the miserable cunt said!
  8. And then he'll play the usual card that it's because he's a Gippo!
  9. When did I retire? We know you've retired though........from is the Track Day session!
  10. I thought it was 67 now?
  11. Look at this twat again @Six30 I'd give anything for Joe Egan to turn up there!
  12. Oh fuck......he's going to put them on the van next!
  13. Notice how nobody ever says "I've got to come over there and get some of that". I'm not babysitting you wankers and then have to sit in the Hospital all day organising medical treatment for you.
  14. Bar end mirrors are for cafe racers not trail bikes!
  15. Happy Birthday Ray! When can you apply for your Pension?
  16. Wouldn't have happened if you'd had the Mod gig!
  17. No......we don't need to change the way we are, we just need to retain existing members and bring in new ones. You've seen other places dwindle to nothing and I don't want to go down that road.
  18. I'll just point out here that losing members does the forum no favours.
  19. Otto has now left us! I for one am sorry to see him go.
  20. They have a different mindset about things here!
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