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Man of the Year 2024
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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. Not a Brit ghetto fortunately.......it's in Cadiz province!
  2. XTreme

    My Home Town.

    It wasn't much different 50 years ago. I can remember community centres getting petrol bombed, and full scale battles on the Kingsway!
  3. XTreme

    My Home Town.

    Meanwhile in Swansea......
  4. But you don't know which province?
  5. Where's she going Bob?
  6. Didn't have the bottle to go in without me babysitting you then Ray?
  7. XTreme


    If he didn't, he'd better show Busa how to ride!
  8. This is an epic pub report!
  9. I don't see any indication of bikes being ridden?
  10. You drove them there in the van?
  11. Not for long with that annoying cunt there!
  12. I don't see any Ride Reports from you though?
  13. But I have to say that we still haven't seen any riding vids from you! Or @Marcel le Moose Fondler......and @Six30.
  14. As I've said before, the wife's father was English! From Croydon! So if I want to get the Death Stare I only need to say "You could claim to be English if you wanted".
  15. We're not all the same......Six is English......no genetic connection to me, @Sir Fallsalot, @Renegade, @Specs, and @KAYZ1.
  16. Understandable given the fact that you ride so infrequently.
  17. https://www.motorcycleriders.net/topic/4447-weird-coincidence/?do=findComment&comment=61584
  18. We didn't go round carrying cameras 30 years ago! And you're the last one to talk about cameras given your track record.
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