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Sir Fallsalot

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Everything posted by Sir Fallsalot

  1. I thought every man owns one of those Bob see if its in your attic LOL
  2. I met my wife when i was 18 and and pointed out to her straight off that the bike is my thing, she understood from the start and we have enjoyed the bike together for many years riding both home and abroad, in fact the only time she's complained about me going out on the bike is because she's not going with me. I have however felt guilty going out on the bike and leaving her at home as i know how much she would like to be with me.
  3. I don't think it ever went away like the XR650L but wont be available here as always
  4. I've heard partners of friends talk about them going out on the bike like their having an affair the jealously is sickening i just don't understand it. I've also had friends who had to be home when their partner says so, i agree with you grow a pair or ditch the overpowering bitch LOL
  5. My dull mate has a really clean yellow one but doesn't deserve such a nice bike, he just cant look after it, all he does is polish it within an inch of its life and change the oil every 10 miles now why does that sound familiar
  6. I agree that's why i avoid going on small boats in open water ?
  7. There's two things i don't like about boats, the first is all the water here is cold and the second is drowning or is that the first thing
  8. We might all be saved they've been bleating on about a possible vaccine they have produced which stops covid in 90% of tests subjects and could be ready for public use before Christmas. I think I'll wait until every fucker else has tried it before i have a go
  9. It was the same here before we had the last lockdown now we've been released again its fucking pissing down, the rain in Llanelli this afternoon was Biblical
  10. And now he's a BMW owner he can pay £50 for it instead of £5 on e-bay and say its better than the Chinese crap like i had some guy telling me not so long ago
  11. Had a phone call of my eldest brother last night, haven't seen him for about 5 years, so first thoughts were the worst but it was ok he had an electrical problem with some outside lights. I went up this morning to sort it out he said he only changed two lights and it started tripping things. After having a look around the way it was wired there was no way it could have worked the way he said it did before he changed the lights, it would have been much easier for me if he had just come clean and told me what he did all done now though
  12. Of course Bob but i was going to just take it as payback for everything the church has just taken in the past
  13. I don't think the occupiers of the red jeep were going wheee when the went past
  14. Damn i need to read more before making a fool of myself
  15. Used my new cordless chainsaw to cut a small tree down in the vicarage garden behind us today. it was a bit too close to my retaining wall for my liking after 3 years it was already over 10 foot high, logged the thicker bits for the wood burner and burnt all the branches. So a day messing with a chainsaw and fire some of my favourite things LOL
  16. Bob your talking to someone who couldn't take the top box off his bike i know your bored but stop wasting your time
  17. Everything is going intelligent the wrong way for me. I bought a new tumble dryer last year you can download an app and connect to it via Bluetooth i don't know WTF that's all about i just want it to dry clothes
  18. You might get some mud on it if you ride
  19. 2020 Honda Africa Twin owner waiting for the TFT display to boot up
  20. Some new rubber wouldn't go amiss ?
  21. Booked a day off work today so got up late put the front wheel back on the XR after fixing the puncture and re-greasing the wheel bearings. Then managed to get an appointment at the dentist to fill a hole after the filling fell out a couple of weeks into covid. Just lit the fire in the house thinking of putting my feet up with a few beers for the rest of the day
  22. Going on a long road trip i will say some company is welcome. When i was invited to join Bob and his mates on a trip to Italy the only one i new was Bob, i only have good memories of the trip and like to think i got on with everyone. The only thing that bothers me is what i eat if it isn't egg and chips I'm fooked where most people will eat any old crap so makes me feel awkward. Hell now i think about it Bob and his mates tried to set me up with one of them due to not being able to get us all booked into a hotel the first night, i had to share a bed with someone I'd never met before he kept his hands to himself most of the night so it was all good
  23. LOL i know what you mean bob. i called into the westend cafe on the way back from a ride once for quick snack before heading home and was listening to a group of lads bragging about how far they had been it was about 60miles they asked me where I'd been and after i told them i had just done 190 miles of back roads and trails and still had another 50 to get home they all looked quite embarrassed especially because i was on my XR400 LOL
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