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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. It's a good thing that she has a job.
  2. £100 in 1979 is equivalent in purchasing power to about £634.07 today.
  3. A last desperate attempt to keep up with the Japs, they abandoned it and went for the T140V, a bike with a built in wrist wrestling function that doubled as a clutch.
  4. My guess is somewhere around 72 given the disc brake, it looks like some sort of American chopper thing with the wheel sizes, anyone got any more info ?
  5. If you drop a spring from a Weed Whacker it will end up in the most unlikely place, it bounced up 1.5m and landed in a bush, luckily I found it before I went to buy a new one.
  6. zzzak


    And here I am all woaded up doing a rain dance.
  7. https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/159/940/439/playable/8b373b854fbf1fcd.mp4
  8. The man has been charged with driving without a license, driving without insurance, aggravated vehicle taking, driving whilst unfit through drink, failing to stop after an accident, causing serious injury by dangerous driving and failing to report a road accident. They should never let him out, glad that they got him.
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