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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. welcome to the AM forum ?
  2. yes it's all quite new again at the moment ?
  3. thats a bit wick 2 quid for a vegi sausage ?
  4. my dad always had bikes then when i turned 16 i told him i was getting one but he was non too chuffed he said when he had them it was a lot quieter on the road when he had them, anyway i finally got one and guess who wanted the first ride on it and a few months later he got another of his own ?
  5. well they are new and they will keep the cold blast off your digits if nothing else ?
  6. sounds like an all round good guy
  7. derri boots all the despatchers used them at one time
  8. welcome to the AM forum ?
  9. you missed out on seeing the 400 million dollar super yacht owned by a rusky billionaire it was moored in douglas bay last week they reckon the middle mast is taller than big ben
  10. somebody pick that bike up quick
  11. right the world would be a poorer place if we were all the same ?
  12. im glad you started the forum Pete my type of bikes and people ?
  13. yep i got the alka seltzer two weeks ago ?
  14. skyrider

    Old sayings.

    that guy isn't as green as he is cabbage looking ?
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