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Everything posted by skyrider

  1. stuff faceache keep the forums
  2. wonder if they will continue putting bacon in them when things get back to normal ?
  3. and dont forget the oven bottoms ?
  4. that's a good idea with the fuel tank under the seat, i hear that they are doing that with a lot of the new beemers now
  5. thats the trouble with some modern bikes the manufacturers seem to struggle with keeping the weight down ?
  6. yes and morecambe and wise a lot better than modern so called comedians which are about as funny as having piles
  7. yes i like rice and prawns
  8. i had a 99 model for a short while
  9. many years ago i used some similar stuff called oko tyre life but these days i dont bother i heard that many bad reports about tyre sealant's
  10. well it certainly seem's to come with a full compliment, do you think you will be giving one a try ?
  11. that's where a lot of us englanders come unstuck we dont complain enough ?
  12. no i have two bikes on sorn and both insured in case some scum nicks them
  13. and are they dual purpose like yours ?
  14. afraid i have to hold my hand up my steed is still sorned and has been for most of last year, its been a combination of work, covid and crap weather ?
  15. have you taken it back and put in a complaint ?
  16. yes you don't see many old moto x bikes ?
  17. he did a great job i used to have some on the serow
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