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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. So when would be best for you? I can do any of the months apart from end of May and beginning of October
  2. Well yeah I mean if Six30 is already pulling out then let's cement a date.....
  3. See the vespa rider is on the ball as always
  4. June would be good for me @Six30 and whoever else wants to come along
  5. I was up for it and I still am, when I have my money through im in, send me some dates
  6. Which turn in to the best east end gangster accent you've ever heard and everyone shit themselves?
  7. Well I'll be damned....links?
  8. I wouldn't be alive for another 12 years.....count me out
  9. Bliss im 36 my knee is fucked to the point I can hardly walk at the moment and I too groan like a lepper every time I get up out of a chair.....you think you bunch of old cunts have issues.....you don't even know you're born
  10. All of my stuff is pretty new id guess at 18 years old the bike is probably the oldest though I do still have my old ninja which I crashed in 2019 which is 20 years old......
  11. So who are you really? And how can a parent give up their child for adoption....I know i couldn't do it nor would I want to this last year has been better than my previous 35 all put together
  12. Lol yeah I was just riding it flat out as it was so slow
  13. I'll hold my hands up on this front yes I am
  14. Thanks Bob, im hopeless at this technology shit
  15. Ffs how do you link YouTube videos on this fucking thing
  16. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DmDTFXrjl2Lc&ved=2ahUKEwih0KOBgenzAhVkolwKHZv6CbgQwqsBegQIAxAF&usg=AOvVaw10vCDSLNydePz1wFEm_1PM
  17. Had one for a courier bike.....in replacement for a 600 hornet worst move i ever made went from something that was nippy and something that wouldn't even give a 125 a run for its money wish I'd stayed with the hornet also it was thirsty as fuck compared to the hornet
  18. Its already happened....except the renunciation was the other way round
  19. Send me your address ill send ya some shitty nappies
  20. Don't think you're missing much tbh
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