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Everything posted by zzzak

  1. SEAGOON: It was such a winter's night as this when I, Lance Constable Ned Seagoon of Long Division, London River Police, was patrolling the river. Splash as body jumps in water. Wading through water. SEAGOON: I'll be glad when we get a launch Sergeant.
  2. Then how did you procreate, with a turkey baster and a Playboy magazine ?
  3. It sure looks like that you know how to have fun.
  4. This is how to make a burger, freshly minced prime beef with an 80/20 meat to fat ratio.
  5. I see that Marcel got rid of the pole up his arse and replaced it with a horse driving a tractor.
  6. OK, just don't tell the others mon ami.
  7. Wouldn't mind a Wing, rode a GL1000 in 78, liked it a lot.
  8. Just as I thought, Marcel is Bucky and vice versa.
  9. Shit picture there, first the pole sticking out of the seat, how did you not see that, then to add insult to injury you've used a fucking star highlight filter, I thought that you liked women but this has altered the whole image that I have of you.
  10. I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we were alongside the road and slowly the other driver got out of his car. You know how sometimes you just get soooo stressed and little things just seem funny? Yeah, well I couldn't believe it.... He was a DWARF!!! He stormed over to my car, looked up at me, and shouted, "I AM NOT HAPPY!!!" So, I looked down at him and said, "Well, then which one are you?" And then the fight started.....
  11. zzzak

    I'm Minted

    It were you that recommended it.
  12. zzzak

    I'm Minted

    Linux Mint that is, so far so good, my W10 had blowed up or something so the good doctor removed it as well as all my stuff that I had just put on the new SSD, great. Nevermind, we like a challenge at my age, (don't we Ren ?) so far I'm finding my way around it, so after 27 years of Winders I have come out as a Minty. So far I have found that, among other things, some of my USB holes don't work, another great, anyway popped my backup SD in and finally got it to go. Lots of fun to be had I say, trying to get a music player installed, VLC is my player of choice but so far nuttin, having to use the PopUp player in Bootliquor. Now its time for the pictures.
  13. Three months younger than me to the day, if you need any sage advice PM me.
  14. zzzak


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