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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. I’m feel kinda sorry for them (so long as their crazy isnt directed at me) cos when you get into your 60’s you should be doing what makes you happy and a lot of folk still don’t seem to have worked out what that is. As far as I can see it’s all a bit of a waste. Without wanting to get too heavy Ive met a lot of people who’ve done what they were supposed to do (rather than what they want to do) their whole lives and then discovered there’s no reward, that was it, you had one go and you spent it that way. I don’t think they even know why they’re angry just a general feeling they’ve been done. Which in a way they have!
  2. Its been so bad for some people I don’t want to say I’ve enjoyed most of the lockdown but I have. It’s majorly fecked with my plans and whipped the place I had lined up in Spain away from under me but heyho, that’s the way it goes. Could just be me but after Christmas there seemed to be a shift in folks mood. We’ve noticed it with our customers. A lot of short tempers and intolerance. People waiting to take offence. I’ve dropped out of some/most social stuff because I’ve noticed Im the happy person chirping away and it’s way out of step with the general mood- and that’s over the age groups not just older. Ive wondered for a long time if the increase of miserableness with age is to do with people finally recognising their frailty/mortality and then becoming angry they didn’t do what they wanted to do with their lives. Nursing I’d see about 2000 new people a year so a lot of life stories and a lot of advice n warnings would flow my way from them. A large proportion of the 60+ age group carry a surprising amount of regret and anger, focused on things they should let go of, I’ve always assumed it’s an active mind left unoccupied finding something to dwell on.
  3. He’s 73 now. Well Pete he’s a self contained person who doesn’t like other people, even if he joined he’d last less than 5 minutes before deciding we were all deficient in one way or another and a waste of his time. Not something any of us could disagree with ? He’s content to play his guitar n ride his bike. Lucky git.
  4. Ah now he looks like a nice boy who know how to use tissues rather than his Mams curtains ? Got a photo of my pops somewhere with a Jimi Hendrix afro the year before long hair went, literally it all fell out ?
  5. Father with barely contained hooligan tendencies so educated in the ways of the ill fated. Happy to report I never witnessed any curtain staining but then washing machines were a thing by then werent they? ?
  6. A slightly cross, exasperated sounding teacher I think. But he did do a superb talk on the best way to record your travels, his teaching credentials made it all very easy to follow to the extent I might even have a go ?
  7. Great write up ? How many days did this trip take?
  8. Oh that’s definitely the way I’d prefer to travel but just this time I’m choosing to let someone else do the organising because I think that unless you’ve done it that way before (which my husband hasn’t) or you naturally have that personality type (I do, he doesnt) then its a bit of a leap into the dark so breaking it down into smaller components and easing him into it is I think the key to a good first experience that he’ll want to repeat. The daily mileage is low and your left to your own devices so it’ll be dandy. The other consideration is everything here is already seriously booked up with the whole nation seemingly having a staycation this year, I’m currently trying to find somewhere to stay the night before the off and everywhere is fully booked or ridiculously overpriced. I was chatting to a guy who’s also doing LEJOG end of May and he’s not been able to find any accommodation in the places he wanted and he’s taking the same route as us. Its not sexist at all, its just a matter of fact isn’t it that it’s usually the other way round with women getting into bikes because of their fellas. Got my first bike 2017 and then 2019 I rode through the Himalaya to Everest and that was the final straw, he thought “That looks fun, I’m missing out and want a bit of that” and now we’re at the point where he’s really excited about motorcycle travel and is considering Spain, France or Germany next. Exciting times ahead I hope.
  9. He did a lovely talk on the Armchair Adventure Festival a couple of weeks back. I was struck by what a gentle sounding guy he was. Ive never heard anyone say anything about him that isn’t nice.
  10. Yeah Ive heard him talk a few times, he seems pleasant and down to earth. Some overlanders seem to get lost in how brilliant they think they are but he’s definitely not one of them. Not sure if I should read his book before I go but then again I’m chewing my way through Hunter S Thompson’s Hell’s Angels at the moment and two pages of that is the equivalent of a handful of sleeping tablets ?
  11. Not the most inspired ride in the world but hey its likely doable soon which is currently the most important criteria for me. My husband passed his test a wee bit over year ago and I’ve been manoeuvring him towards the idea of bike touring (slowlycatchymonkey n all that) with the intention of going far flung with it after he’s found his feet so to speak. My plans are now over a year behind due to the evil C and this was always intended to be the first step so I’m genuinely thrilled its starting to happen. LEJOG seems the easiest most gentle way to break someone into this idea and to make it as painless as possible I’ve signed 3 of us up for Nathan Millward’s Garbage Run. It kicks off on the 22nd May Lands End. I’m really looking forward to it. We should get a good flavour of what gear works for us and what daily mileage we’re comfortable with, seems a good way to do a test run. I’ve been on an organised tour in the past and swore I’d never do one again. Stuck with a load of randoms, shuffled from one point to another on someone else agenda- no thanks. But I’m keen for this to go smoothly and after discussing it with others it seems a lot of places are already very booked up plus this is only semi guided- you are given the route and start n stop in the same places as everyone else but youre free to ride on your tod at your own pace. So fingers crossed all goes well. I cant wait to get out on my bike proper styley again and booking something like this after the year we’ve all had feels like winning the lottery! https://www.thegarbagerun.com/original-garbage-run Brace yourself for all sorts of odd posts of the prep the run and the aftermath!
  12. Maybe a parakeet. Theyre well known as survivors n strong breeders. London parks have a high population of them. Known for a shrieky call. This pic is St James’ park in London
  13. Hopefully the lurid green is finally shuffling off where lurid green bikes go to die.
  14. The roads might not have floated your boat but nice pics. Most of us here in grey lockdownland would love a bit of that, I definitely would.
  15. They are in very good condition. If you didnt know theyre wild you’d think they were well loved and looked after.
  16. The promised sunshine was far from sight for the entire tea run but the very tame wild ponies made up for it
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