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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. You could always hire a trackbike over here you dopy cunt, why would you ship your shitbox over here just to crash it trying to outpace me on a track and failing.... Which we all know you will do too
  2. Hmm me thinks you're clutching at straws here Marcel, you know I'm still waiting on your answer as to my invitation to test you're mettle with me on the track, bike and track of you're choice me on my rsv..... But guess you've bottled it..... Again
  3. You see the one I feel sorry for is the boy when he comes along, he'll have 3 females to deal with in his sister and 2 cousins he's going to be a confused little bugger if we're not careful
  4. Well I've been a dad for the last 3½ years so I guess it comes with the territory. I'm not looking forward to her teenage years tbh she's already very headstrong and knows exactly what she wants and how she's going to get it, what's she going to be like when she's honed the skill over the next 10 years or so
  5. Don't start deferring your misery on me, it's fitting I have a busa and it... not me is the beast
  6. You don't remember my handle on here getting picked for me then
  7. Well that's what happened with my name change....
  8. I think thats what you meant wasn't it, remember I've got the proof
  9. Not fucking likely my pedigree chum, we, you're nemesis' will get the satisfaction of your new handle
  10. Ask our resident priest..... If he can stop molesting the choir boys
  11. Bet her dad's proud
  12. Dan's bitch Indian lover Ktm cunt Can't ride for shit Bloated boaster Biycb - back in your cage bitch Gobble gobble I could go on but I thibk there's a good few names to get people voting yes
  13. you're going for something with a sidecar now I'd say so the Mrs can go along with you and that way you don't have to worry about the weight because it can't fall over. The most blatant display of poofery if ever we saw it!
  14. An old primera, id rather have my gtir back if I'm having a datsun
  15. It's on the cards you know it..... bound to be
  16. And why exactly do you need another bike pete... you've already had 900 bikes in you're riding career
  17. That's unleaded fuel for you, that the problem with the ethanol content of the current fuel it gums up everything very quickly
  18. Yeah they really don't like sitting do they, this year I have to get out at least twice a month
  19. See we don't have the grandparents feeding her up on sweets and we don't let her have loads of sweets. She just can't seem to listen and when she is spoken to she just looks elsewhere, she keeps repeating the same things over and over again like are we going to the shops/park... no/no its raining. Then a couple minutes later exactly the same question, we ask her to repeat what we told her just before she reasked the question and she can't repeat what we said to her. I'm starting to wonder if she's got problems
  20. Bet you had to pay millions of euros didn't you, did you remember to hide the super yacht and all you're private jets this time?
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