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Everything posted by Tango

  1. Cheers, Clive. Mine will be done under a general anaesthetic, fortunately!
  2. We asked 100 people what toppings do you put on pizzas, you said Turnips........
  3. Not me, @Clive, I don't drink the stuff if I can help it!
  4. Got the operation for my prostate booked for 17th March, pending the results of my visits to the anaesthetist and cardiologist on Friday. No biking or cycling for at least a month after the op according to my urologist. So I guess I'd better start practicing my tai-chi to keep mobile. I'm looking forwards to getting it sorted, but a bit nervous about it too.
  5. We had friends over from the UK for the weekend. It was nice to just chill out with them for a couple of days. Shame that it was a bit chilly here, but we did get out and show them around a bit. We over catered the wine a bit, so Mandy is gutted that she's now got a shed load of wine to drink!
  6. From our trip to Northern Norway a few years back. The phone camera didn't really do them justice.
  7. There was a guy on the other forum who built his own monowheel trailer to pull behind his busa. He made a really nice job of it too. He used to take it the the MotoGP races throughout Europe, but when all sorts of restrictions started being imposed (80kph speed limit, etc) I think that he gave up on it.
  8. Lots of military air activity over us for the past few days. I suspect that it's some form of exercise. It's definitely unusual for this area. The first Wednesday of every month they test the air raid sirens. Scared the shit out of me when I first heard them!
  9. So........tail pack = Good top box = Bad Am I reading the room right?
  10. Got friends from the UK over for the weekend, so I'm just having a bit of a clean up round the house. Not that it was badly untidy or dirty, but how else am I going to fill my days? Anyway, planning where to take them over the weekend. Maybe to the local supermarkets so they can see some fresh fruit and veg!
  11. So, is it you, hoarding all the tomatoes @XTreme? Greedy bastid!
  12. When the interior designer skipped geography lesson when they were at school!
  13. Happy birthday Fred, have a good'un mate. 🏍
  14. Not trying scaremongering, but just a few things that have nearly caught me out in the past couple of years here.
  15. The NCT1100 hasn't really taken off, certainly over here.
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