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Everything posted by alfalfa

  1. Oh, and you. I forgot about you. I was really referring to my riding friends. Not the wanna be skippers. ?
  2. If that's a cockpit picture, then that truck should hang around you a little bit longer. They usually have paramedics on them
  3. Laurent would have to give me permission of course. If it isnt doable, then i will just return it and finding something in the UK
  4. Maybe get there next year. Trying to plan a trip to Spain with a tour group, then keep the bike and head north into UK to see some "friends". You know, those online peeps you've talked to for years but never seen face to face. Plus a couple that i have met face to face.
  5. Heading back to that area first week of September. Might even stop in Tin Cup this time, but they have great hot dogs in Pitkin ? Last time we were up Cottonwood, they hadnt paved the west side down to the reservoir. Huge surprise to go thru there a few weeks ago and see the new asphalt. reminded me a little of Stelvio Pass!. Gravel in the curve is always fun, too.
  6. In countries where you dont speak the native language, it can be a great help. Same goes with unfamiliar areas when you have limited time. Sometimes it is not knowing where to research points of interest. I've taken two Edelweiss Tours, both of them well run, fun and great motorcycle roads experienced. Have also done two tours with Ride in Tours, which is a one man outfit (Laurent Dozias) who knows France inside and out, as well as a couple of other countries. Laurent has very reasonable prices and is freaking crackup to be around. Looking forward to one next year that takes me back to Spain!
  7. Where most of these fine lads hail from, that distance would take them thru at least 3, possibly 5 countries. You're barely out of one state :). Love that part of the country!
  8. Shhhh, dont tell anyone about Hwy 12, where my brother has been directed to spread my ashes.....
  9. damn!!! i hope the rider saw that truck coming well in advance!!!
  10. We took a guided tour from EpicoMoto (Ricardo and Alejandro are great peeps!) and his main stable includes several XT660s. He has a BMW 800GS, and some others. But, the trip we took was mostly off road so the Yammy's were perfect! For the ride pictured, our buddy Dennis was in Colombia on his GS, ridden down from California, for a group called Motorrad Angels. Tom Palmer created the group and he decided to retire and ride around the world. To make it even more worthwhile, he delivers water filters to villages, wherever they go. All donations go straight to buying the filters, Tom finances everything else. They've responded to the earthquake in Mexico City a couple of years ago, as well as on Puerto Rico, delivery water filters and solar lights after that hurricane wiped out electricity in most places. He also helps groups set up their own local chapter of the Angels. The last big effort they were involved in was aiding the Venezuelan refugees flooding into Colombia. Ferrying doctors to the border, providing shelter, clean water, shoes and bus trips back to other shelters. If you are of the donating types, your money goes a long way with that group.
  11. Colombia 2019. When the borders open, you should go! Friendly people, beautiful scenery, great paved and dirt roads and the mountains!!
  12. I think it was the promise of all that sex. He just didnt realize he was a receiver.
  13. Great pics. Did you do Glacier and Going to the Sun Road?
  14. nope, me as well. i have my own Kum and Go pics from the midwest ?
  15. Lots of stories!!! It starts with us discovering Colorado, especially the passes around Silverton, Ouray and Lake City. Then it just goes nuts from there. Throw in some Moab and White Rim Trail, and Colorado BDR riding. A little Mojave Desert riding and you get most of those pics. Look up March Moto Madness - Tellico Plains, and Ribfest - Centerville, TN and you will see the crazies that make me do these stupid things ? Better yet, meet me halfway and we can play in the dirt and sit around the campfire telling tall tales. I see from your own great pics you look like someone who wanders off the pitch? (that's foreign word for asphalt. Just for them whot dont speak amurican here) Also, have to blame @JBEAN for starting this madness, too
  16. the GPS mount on Flames broke a couple of rides ago and i havent gotten around to fixing it. Besides, i dont really like crutches like that, except for maybe following a BDR, or the CDR. So, i let Lu ride, an adventure all on its own. I'm not sure what skill you need to correctly use a GPS, but i'm pretty sure that skill is either missing, inverted, or broken in Lu. But, we usually seem to have the most fun following his lead, anyways. Lu is on the right, GT (from Nashville and now my brother's neighbor) is on the left. This is in front of brother's main garage. some of the brother's acreage, looking west. His shop is just visible on the left side of the pic. The gem of this little 10-acre piece is the shop. The former owner built dragster motors, so he needed some elbow room. (brother has a bike sickness, which is contagious. i'm not sure how many he has now, but it has hovered around 12 for quite some time. he is lucky in that his wife rides and some of these are hers) View looking northeast We had a great meal at the neighbors, lots of laughs and then finally off to bed. I think. I might have been overserved and am mis-remembering details. But, who cares. Next - mother nature tries to remind us that this is the year of whatever can go wrong, will............
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