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Marcel le Moose Fondler

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Everything posted by Marcel le Moose Fondler

  1. I can wire you money to sweeten the deal.... How much is a Canadian dollar worth in Spain?
  2. So when will I be given a chance at the Mod gig again? I'd like to wait until I glench my old titles back thoe...
  3. Something smell fishy... Beleive me I have the nose for it...
  4. Being part eskimo I feel your pain cupid... Im offend discriminated because of my gender...
  5. I was just wondering where you were getting the big bag of cocks to feed Pedro..
  6. All this wineing... It has to be a women's cold..
  7. Anything?.... Deep fried cocks?
  8. Here are the spiders invading my house... There's a a spider every few feet along the gutters... I've decided to leave them be..
  9. Well the double hands on the hips isnt has bad has yours... Single hand on the hips.. Well you look like a sissy boy doing that...
  10. You better get some polygrip for your dentures
  11. Tell you the truth it's peaking my courriousity right at the moment.
  12. Are you telling me that your a woman now? If you looked like that I would definitely do you..
  13. You better start eating soon... I can send my personal diet plan... If we have any hope in this business venture.... We need plenty of product..
  14. Not gonna lie... I was curious so this one time I tryed one pill... Didn't see much difference.... In fact no difference at all... Sex for me is kinda lengthy.. A couple of hours... Might have got 15 min extra that's about it...
  15. OK I've just had a look at your ride report... I can comfirm that's your indeed a women...sorry for doubting you...
  16. You see what I mean about not using your real name... I really though she was a women... Now I'm disturb by knowing he or she has a nut sack..
  17. Between me and you... I think he's menapozing... Low testosterone really fuck you up... I take supplements myself..
  18. I have more spare time now that I'm single... And I do spend a couple hours a day here.. Wright now it's 7 am and I'm having my cup of Joe... I won't passing the day here with these old wringle nut sack... Your not included slow monkey... Anyway why don't you just use your real first name...
  19. So what are you saying... I'm a interverse and spend to much time watching Porn..
  20. No I haven't met anyone serious has of yet... I'm just looking.... Kinda enjoying my freedom at this moment tell you the truth...
  21. What's a shut in?... You know I'm part eskimo I don't grapes the English language to it's fullest
  22. That's pretty well my limit 40... Nothing serious just a few dates ..and on top of that she's has two sub adult.... Definitely not interested in dealing with 2 teens.. At my age.
  23. Hey! Hey!... Don't get carried away... I'm only 57..
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