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Man of the Year 2024
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Posts posted by XTreme

  1. Good afternoon everyone,

    It's coming close too 1 year since my dad passed, time has flown by very quickly.
    I thought it'd be good to quickly reply to some questions i've gotten either through here or on FB / Whatsapp.

    1) The funeral was small, it was only myself and Ali in the end, due to Spain typically having a funeral with-in 2 days of the passing it was all done very quick and suddenly.
    2) I got to see Pete in hospital the day before he passed, he seemed to be recovering well, so it was indeed a shock that he passed the following morning as i was arriving to visit him again.
    3) I've taken over his business and also the forum for the time being, so things will still continue to be online for the foreseeable future.
    4) Ali is doing as well as could be expected, she's still living in Spain but it's going alright.
    5) I'm not planning any public service or remberance for Pete this coming year, there's still a lot on-going, but i appreciate all the love / support from everyone.

    Please do continue to take care of the forum and yourselves, i do come to check-in on things from time to time.

    Best regards,
    Scott - Petes youngest Son (Living in The Netherlands)

    • Like 4
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  2. 44 minutes ago, Marcel le Moose Fondler said:

    Well I think I'm gonna be calling my doctor and get my heart checked out...preventive maintenance I guess...I'm at that age now...high stress job...occasionally a weekend smoker..don't always eat healthy food...and I've never had a complete heart exam..where they make you run and stuff on a thread mill hooked up to a machine...Pete's sudden bout has got me thinking...

    They confirmed that I had a heart attack...... But I had no pain. 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 8
  3. 8 minutes ago, Six30 said:

    Get better soon.

    what was the Helicopter ride like, never been in one ?

    I was strapped in and connected to machines so it wasn't a great ride. Fucking noisy things. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  4. IMG_20240515_152847.thumb.jpg.feb00d441b6330decb5dd3d3f78524c9.jpg

    Went to Docs at 9am about a stomach bug. 

    They did some tests and by 11am I was on an Air Ambulance to Granada. 

    I went straight into Surgery where they put 3 stents into my heart arteries. 

    Now in ICU for the next day or two. 

    • Sad 10
  5. 23 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    Front wheel stepped out on me, going wide around the traffic exiting a roundabout, got onto the gravel in the centre, front wheel went and sent me into the path of the oncoming cars, it was a fun moment that nearly kills you but makes you smile

    Sounds like a normal day's riding for you Terry! :classic_laugh:

    Were there any Peacocks involved?

    • Like 1
  6. 53 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

    Brexit, that was a great idea 😬

    To get round the border problem they had to allow NI to stay in the Single Market.

    And then the Govt announced that NI would get the best of both worlds cos they were part of UK and in the Single Market.

    Meanwhile the rest of us are out on a limb.

    We've got an appointment in the Foreigners Office in the Police Station in Baza next week cos we've now got to change our old residency cards to the new TIE card.

    More papers, more bureaucracy, more hassle, and more money.......and all because of you know what!

    • Sad 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, Tango said:

    We visited my OH's daughter near Belfast and the countryside there is spectacular, but most of the housing are square grey boxes! They just make the whole place look uninviting and bleak! Not helped by the weather either! 😂😂

    Do they still not like the English?

  8. 35 minutes ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

    There was one but not sure if he joined before or after you went away it was such a short stint he fell victim to Pedro's wrath :classic_laugh:

    MarkW......Otto Van Jizmark!

    Finished with bikes so he felt he couldn't contribute anything.

    Tried to talk him round but no joy.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Tango said:

    We got back from our little trip to Blighty last night. The first few days visiting Mandy's daughter in Northern Ireland was good, but the weather was predictably bad! We did manage to visit a few places with them though.

    Then we had a few days at my Mum's in Kent before heading down to near Eastbourne to stay with friends for the weekend. The weather was fantastic and we had a good time down there. 

    Then we headed back to my Mum's for Sunday evening and then up Stansted Airport to fly back yesterday. 

    The only downside was from hiring a car at Stansted, which I got the final bill for this morning, that includes a number of additional charges that weren't mentioned when we booked it. The fact that the insurance was actually more expensive than the actual car hire too! We only hired a car because of the strike action on the railways whilst we were over there! However, in actuality, the car hire wasn't really a great deal more than the train fares would have cost us anyway. It's just the disparity between the advertised cost and the actual cost that pissed me off.

    Anyway, we did have a good time.










    Great shots Bob!

    Are the Gammons still angry there?

    • Haha 1
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