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Posts posted by busabeast

  1. Well it seems this is just the way the world will be working from now on....just a load of waves and troughs it seems we will never be able to do anything!

    It seems that the numbers start falling enough for life to sort of go back to normal and restrictions lifted then a u-turn saying no we can't do that they have suddenly started rising so restrictions are still in place for the foreseeable. 

    It to me is starting to look very suspicious 

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  2. 1 hour ago, XTreme said:

    You're really keen to get on a boat with Bruce aren't you Rich? :classic_unsure:

    Haha im keen for anything that means I'm not stuck in the house bored out of my mind, all the diy has been completed to a satisfactory standard so now I am wanting to get out and about.

    So yeah I'm not going to pressure anyone but I wouldn't decline if he offered a bob 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Bruce said:

    Not yet. Too early in the season. If you climbed into the water now you'd turn into an ugly woman. May June would be better  when the temps rise and also when the Tope and sharks migrate in. Because it will be weather dependant for your enjoyment a couple weeks advance notice will be given rolling forward with a 3 day confirmation. None of you would enjoy a North wind crossing. You'd all be chunking and moaning to get off.

    I don't mind it if its choppy but I understand for most people it wouldn't be the ideal scenario 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Bruce said:

    Yesterday I was on the boat dismantling the starboard engine to get to a coolant pump with a collapsed bearing.


    YES!! I've said previously the Sweden and Baltic Archipelago is high on my bucket list. Absolutely stunning. Of course it's something that is done over an entire summer and the Brexit shit shengan visa now cocks that all up. Same for the Med.  My way out may be going to Sweden for 90 days then moving into Russian waters maybe as far as St Petersberg to clear my 90 in 180 days allowance. It will only be an option for me once the kids leave school so a good few years yet. Put the boat on a low loader and go




    So you set a date for our jolly boys outing yet?

  5. 2 minutes ago, XTreme said:

    You wouldn't last two minutes over here with me in the Epicentre of Dark Motorcycling Bob! 

    A lot of these places here are haunted you know!

    Squelching around in mud isn't going to help you one little bit when you come face to face with The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!


    Tell him @Tym

    But they still have their heads.......

  6. 1 hour ago, Slowlycatchymonkey said:

    My bezzie has a genuine fear of dolls (its called pediophobia which sound like it should be something much worse doesnt it) and I really struggle not to wind her up, I just find it really funny, I managed to resist sending her the graveyard doll pic but it wasnt easy.. well done me, what a nice person not scaring the shit out of my oldest friend. I’m only typing this so I dont renege and send it anyway ?

    Send it to her just hide it under a thumbnail so she has to unearth it 

    • Haha 2
  7. 21 hours ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

    Had my covid jab yesterday in the left arm and my left hand has been cold all day it's 20c in my house and its still noticeably colder than the right hand. Just checked both hands with the thermometer and my left hand is 3 deg colder than the right wonder if its just a coincidence ?

    I have heard if you get that then your the one picked out to have the "secret jab" you have now been injected with the government device ? 

    • Haha 2
  8. 3 hours ago, XTreme said:

    It was meant to help improve things....not make things worse. Yet one person has already asked for his account to be deleted because of it.

    People have left, others have asked for their accounts to be deleted, while others who were on here fairly regularly are no longer visiting.

    Now here's the reality......I started this a year ago due to the lockdown. We kept going against all odds, but it seems things are going the same way as they did in the past. 

    Nobody can say I didn't try......there's no no shame in trying and failing. But ultimately it's the community itself that will determine whether it succeeds.....I can only do so much.

    I've got to work for a living, and look after a semi-disabled wife. What time I do get in between those commitments shouldn't have to be spent dealing with people squabbling. What the hell is going to kick off tomorrow when I'm not here?

    So unless we can turn the corner now then this place has to close! I don't want this to happen.....but given the current circumstances and the general mood here I don't see any other option. Do you?


    I gor one don't want this place to go anywhere, I know I'm not on here posting daily but I do try to at least have a look once or twice a day to see whats happening.

    But whatever you do don't shut it down

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