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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. Well thats not bad mate, I'd hazard a guess at around 45-50mpg roughly from my 636
  2. I got a Chinese type fairing for my old ninja and they fitted fairly well with exception to the bit where it clip together under the engine, and they were lighter
  3. They dont hate eachother as such just with the wife being home all the time she just doesn't so as she's asked with the wife yet I can get her to play the game with apparent ease
  4. You know the ones that always storm around chewing a wasp and who want everything done 3 weeks ago
  5. You like one of them angry bosses eh
  6. I've never been so deeply offended
  7. They both cost the same i guess.....sorta
  8. Hmm it sounds like this apple didn't fall too far from the tree no
  9. Hmm judging by the name given id say Mansfield
  10. Hmm sounds like the easy route out to me, why could he not be real with her and tell him face to face?
  11. What pete said, make sure the camera is rolling just incase
  12. If your doing it that way you have very limited built in safety backup so keep your swede well out of the way just incase it goes twang, you don't want to get twatted in the chin by it, that could ruin your day
  13. I think we need some genesis or floyd or supertramp
  14. so how did the wife take the news? Was she more annoyed that he didn't tell her himself?
  15. Lol fair play to him, though how long had you known for
  16. I quite honestly relish get my hands dirty with bringing her up i have no problems taking the lead
  17. This is true, she has always given me an easier time of it than she gives to the wife, maybe because im so calm with her and dont get wound up in the slightest, its not that she never does anything wrong with me I just hardly ever raise my voice to her where the wife gets wound up by her easier, I just think everything she does is funny
  18. Tbf I generally take over the chold care once I get home from work to let her just chill out and relax as much as she can. And for some reason skye just seems to be better behaved with me according to the wife
  19. Yeah I'm always there for both, I normally get her up from her afternoon nap but yesterday I wasn't and apparently she was looking for me till I got home
  20. Honestly think you're hitting the nail on the head here, there is no definitive do's and don'ts we are all essentially winging it, and the witching hour isn't bad with her she absolutely loves a bath and is generally fine with bedtime as we have a good routine in place
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