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Everything posted by busabeast

  1. so how did the wife take the news? Was she more annoyed that he didn't tell her himself?
  2. Lol fair play to him, though how long had you known for
  3. I quite honestly relish get my hands dirty with bringing her up i have no problems taking the lead
  4. This is true, she has always given me an easier time of it than she gives to the wife, maybe because im so calm with her and dont get wound up in the slightest, its not that she never does anything wrong with me I just hardly ever raise my voice to her where the wife gets wound up by her easier, I just think everything she does is funny
  5. Tbf I generally take over the chold care once I get home from work to let her just chill out and relax as much as she can. And for some reason skye just seems to be better behaved with me according to the wife
  6. Yeah I'm always there for both, I normally get her up from her afternoon nap but yesterday I wasn't and apparently she was looking for me till I got home
  7. Honestly think you're hitting the nail on the head here, there is no definitive do's and don'ts we are all essentially winging it, and the witching hour isn't bad with her she absolutely loves a bath and is generally fine with bedtime as we have a good routine in place
  8. I thought this but heyho, and not a choice I would be making
  9. Well she does like burgers off the bbq
  10. See this was my reasoning, yet the wife got on her high horse shouting and hollering that she's apparently now got to make 100s of different dinners a day now because neither me nor skye might like/want it ......
  11. I don't know mate she does like things like garlic bread and other strong flavours just seems to be abit reluctant to try too much that is new though give it to her a few times and she's ok with it
  12. We try to eat together yeah, work and other commitments allowing. I was under the assumption that you should always have a substitute whilst they are trying untested foods so that way they aren't going hungry but the wife is of the disposition that whatever is made must be eaten or else you go hungry, now whilst to a point I agree with that with older children I don't with babies as they dont have that reasoning
  13. I know I'm going to be getting shit from a few so bring it Anyway my question is when you were weaning your little ones on to solid foods did you always try them on things you were eating but make stuff you knew they liked as a reserve incase they rejected the first food or did you go down the route of they eat what you eat and tough if they don't eat it, I only ask this question as on Tuesday the wife made a lasagne for us all yet skye (8 month old baby) didn't like it so rejected to eat it and the wifes input was oh well tough luck yet I said no we make something she likes (in this case a handful of pasta) then me and the wife proceeded to have a heated discussion that we need to try her on different options but always make her something we know she likes yet she said thats not how its done and that if she doesn't like something tough luck So who is right here? Sorry if it doesn't make much sense
  14. It would seem I may have better things to do than pander to them idiots
  15. Well if im that worthy to be spoken about then report away but believe me all I do is work and sleep I do nothing of any great note
  16. Hmm as inviting as it sounds id rather cleave my face off with a rusty spoon
  17. Haha is this because you don't understand what it says
  18. Well we did tell you pete but you wouldn't listen and had to go out on the lash like you were 21 again
  19. I heard it was your round for the giveaway, so dig deep old man I want me a busa
  20. I told you in full confidence that it would never get out.....now everyone will be on at me for a blow job at a rural location
  21. Nooo do you not remember that test ride i had on one that I did a ride report on
  22. Nooo never will I throw my leg over one of them agricultural vehicles ever again
  23. Its an abomination is what it is, you would be better buying a goldwing
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