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Twat of the Year 2023
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Everything posted by Six30

  1. you buy that i will personally fly to Spain hunt you down and continuously slap you until i've knocked some sense into you ..... you will thank me .
  2. Six30


    its ok on there, most of the twats have left and come on here now , just a few more and job done
  3. Thou art a foul undigested lump.
  4. You see @XTreme the ladies are following me here …. welcome @gymwitch
  5. Well .. I’ve got some reporting to do on other forum …. This should deffo get me the mod gig .
  6. He moved away with his brothers Techno & Techno
  7. Think it’s cause you made such a fuck up of my mid campaign... you twat
  8. thought about this and its perfect , you wont need to get rid of the body, but there is a sacrifice .... cliff top walk with your dog , no cameras about , push your victim over the cliff , then chuck the dog over with its lead attached to its collar... dog pulled him over officer ...
  9. probably put the poor thing up there , just so they could film it fucking idiots
  10. so does uncle buck live in Devon ?
  11. I’ll try and find it when I got a min
  12. Send Gerry and Kate McCann an email they will point you in the right direction
  13. Got outed trying to spy
  14. like silly bollox Uncle Buck ,the fumbling spy on their forum ...twat
  15. It’s Gay ... what you say Clive .... oh hang on ....
  16. I’m hiring a gang of dwarf / midgets whatever you call em , £90 each for 4 hours taking em to my nieces party they got to follow me round all night , going to see if I can Velcro em up and throw em at stuff .
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