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Posts posted by Nute

  1. I don't know why but there is something I really enjoy about going to collect a new bike from somewhere far away. Last one was Norwich, before that was north Wales ( that was a Sunday night in Jan, fecking frozen), im in Hampshire. I have bought a bike from Edinburgh ... but got that bought down in a van. 

    That CBF looks lovely, hope you enjoy it. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. On 08/06/2024 at 18:24, Buckster said:

    I love being single, I have the turbo manifold off the car in bits on the kitchen worktop while I fit a new cartridge, you fuckers would be killed if you did that.

    I’m never allowed to forget when I got “rumbled” cleaning engine bits in the dishwasher. You’d think I was drowning puppies in it. 

    • Haha 4
  3. Took my bike for a service at the Indian dealership in Wokingham, never been there before but really mice place/ people. 


    They had the bike in there that Guy Martin used for his wall of death thing, looked lovely ... not for sale tho...

    • Like 3
  4. 21 hours ago, Sir Fallsalot said:

    I grew up using imperial because its what my father taught me as that's what his lathe and milling machine was. I use both now and sometimes mix it up when measuring stuff to confuse the co workers saying stuff like go and cut that twenty-nine and a half inches and three millimeters :classic_laugh:

    We had the imperial system when I was a kid but thank god we changed. I used to go help out at an old folks home when I was a teenager, getting their shopping. Some of them could only work in shillings and bob and  2d whatever the hell that was, utterly clueless about anything base 10 orientated. It was like we were speaking 2 different languages. 

    • Haha 2
  5. On 31/05/2024 at 22:04, Marcel le Moose Fondler said:

    Agree I prefer the imperial system..

    How anything even vaguely complicated ever gets built in the US is beyond me. This be needs to be 1 inch and 13 /28ths of and inch and that bit is 56 and 7/ 97ths of an inch .. its like a foreign language..

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  6. 26 minutes ago, Slowlycatchymonkey said:

    Men are far more likely to be on the receiving end of unprovoked violence than women so I reckon you're right to consider it sketchy. 

    She'd been through Mexico, Peru and Columbia among others places with no problems, she came unstuck because she took duff advice from the locals who probably thought they were telling her the truth. 

    Were you riding there?

    We flew into Uyuni, then went south down to the border with Chile. It would have been fun to ride it but a) we’d probably have gotten lost or broken down and ended up dead, b) it was 5000m+ altitude and any sort of physical exertion is difficult when you are from sea level. 

    We were warned about parts of LaPaz, and Uyuni in particular was sketchy, the villages south of there less so but I hired a guide with a Land Cruiser (even he got lost twice). He had enough spare parts in the back of it to cover most breakdowns, and 30 gallons of fuel on the roof as there aren’t any gas stations and a huge cylinder of O2 in case we needed it. 

    In terms of risk from the locals parts of the US are worse. My wife used to live near Camden in NJ, not the sort of place you want to wander about at night, even if you are Buckster…

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, Slowlycatchymonkey said:

    Hmm dunno never counted. 

    Personally I know of a lot more solo women riders than I do men but I would wouldn't I 🤷‍♀️

    Women ADV riders does a lot of articles and writing for solo women riders and that site does well for itself. 

    Of the 24 women I went to the Himalayas with at least half are solo riders. 

    I like riding solo too, I recently rode to the Pyrenees on my tod and enjoyed it a lot. 

    But if I was in Bolivia like that other woman who was nearly beaten to death I would rather do it with someone else. 

    I was in Bolivia a few years ago, well off the beaten track - im not sure I would feel safe on my tod there, really sketchy in some places and I'm Bucksters size. Fantastic place though. 

    • Like 2
  8. 17 minutes ago, boboneleg said:

    The 'trout pout'  , how any woman thinks that makes them look more attractive I'll never know 


    Winner Trophy GIF by Hacker Noon

    I don't understand that either. Looks bloody ridiculous. 

    Is it permanent or if they suddenly realise it looks daft can they get it reversed? 

    • Like 2
  9. Ive been out all day and only just got back home but had that sinking feeling when I saw the thread title. Ive not been here very long and not known him anywhere as well as you all did but I have to say he came across as a great bloke, really sad news. 

    Im a member of a few bike forums and this is by far the most entertaining one. It has a very much more personal and unique vibe, and even though there is a lot of piss taking its obvious that some of you have known each other for a long time. I hope we don't loose it, I'm not much at IT but if its a case of funding to keep it going I'm happy to pitch in. 

    RIP Pete... 😞

    • Like 8
  10. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride on Sunday morning. Doing the Guildford one with a few friends. 600+ noisy bikes in Guildford High Street was fun last year, ends at a brewery 🙂

    • Like 4
  11. 6 hours ago, XTreme said:

    Still.jn hospital. 

    Hope you make a full and speedy recovery! I absolutely hate hospitals but I guess judging by the speed with which they whipped you in it might just have saved your life. 

    I can recommend the diazepam, or any opiate derivative if its on the menu, lovely stuff 🙂

    • Haha 1
  12. My day today, went wheeling with a group  of friends in the woods and trails around Farnham. Lots of sand and a bit of mud which is very difficult on only 1 wheel so a few falls, but only 1 broken bone. 



    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Otto von Jizzmark said:


    As for the rest, I'm getting very mixed signals here: you think I'm moving on because I want my 'ravings' to go unanswered, whereas other people think my constant engagement with you is getting old and boring. Which is it? Maybe we need a poll... 😉

    I find them quite interesting. This is the inter web though, so anyone can say anything and its not going to change anyones mind, but the discussion is fun.

    • Like 2
  14. Did a 160 mile round trip to see my mum, traffic was awful, roadworks everywhere, shitty roads - coming up the hill with 100m to go until I'm home I was thinking that I'd got there and back without anyone trying to kill me, then a woman in a small silver hatchback pulls out of the school next to us straight in from of me. No "sorry mate", just ignores me and drives off. 

    • Like 2
  15. 26 minutes ago, Otto von Jizzmark said:

    Because evolution has no direction, and perfection is not its goal. That’s GCSE biology, @Buckster… 😩

    The more pertinent question is whether an intelligent designer would come up with such a bad design. Ditto for childbirth, teeth, the inefficiency with which our bodies use water, DNA and its propensity for transcription errors and the genetic diseases that result, ginger people, etc, etc…

    My brother has an encyclopaedic knowledge of how our bodies work, he might be in a similar line of business to you (but im only guessing at what you do), and he wakes up in the morning and stretches his arms and legs, flexes his fingers and thinks thank god, it all still works! Given all the things that can go wrong its pretty amazing that it all works most of the time. 

    Edited to add - sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that he is in any way religious, he's not.

    • Like 1
  16. 31 minutes ago, Buckster said:

    For someone who claims not to believe in God you spend a lot of time talking about him and based on what you claim about evolution, how come we ended up being so badly evolved? 

    While it is clear that you think you could fathom something of God's plans or perhaps be capable of conversing with him as an equal, I can assure you that you are quite delusional, you are but a grain of sand on a beach.

    Evolution/ natural selection only works up until breeding age, after that you can get cancer, have a leg fall off or think the moon landings were a hoax, it won't make any difference...

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Clive said:

    Hyundai......... i have cleaned all the lime scale (our water is very hard) out of the pipes, well as far as I can reach, repaired the on off water switch/valve.... the inlet water filter is clean, I am beginning to suspect it maybe the lance thats partially blocked, or pipe to the lance. 

    No experience with Hyundai I’m afraid. My Karcher was not pressuring a while back, the motor was running but whereas if you don’t pull the trigger it should turn off once it gets up to pressure the motor just kept running. There was a defect in the cylinder head which let water leak out of the high pressure side. The new cylinder head was about £40. Pretty easy to change too. 

    the original CH was shit plastic, the new one is aluminium. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Clive said:

    Been trying to find out why my pressure washer has so very little pressure,  all seems OK. 🤔 think it's just generally worn out, which is surprising as I have hardly use the thing. 


    What make is it Clive?

    Does it run ok, switch  off/on duty just shit pressure?


    • Like 1
  19. On 21/04/2024 at 12:40, Tango said:

    We watched the two Rebel Moon films over the weekend.  They were so bad that they were entertaining! 

    "Join our rebellion!"


    "Because we want you to!"

    "Oh, alright then"

    Script- Poor

    Continuity- Also poor!

    Plot - Predictable!

    Acting - Wooden!

    All-in-all entertaining in a train wreck kind of way! 😂😂😂

    I read in the news that 21 million people watched the second part in the first few days it was out. One of them was me, what a bloody waste of 2 hrs of my life. It was shit. 

    • Haha 5
  20. 5 hours ago, Saul said:

    Well I have jacked it in for the day.    Bench done, fixed my mitre saw and started stripping out the old rotten decking.    Knackered now 🙃






    I feel your pain there. In a fit of enthusiasm 12 years or so ago I built a deck, couldn't afford hardwood for the under the deck bit, now I have to pull a third of it up every 2-3 years to replace the bits that have gone rotten. Pain in the arse.  

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