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Mr Fro

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Everything posted by Mr Fro

  1. Bad luck! It's doable (because I've done it). Just be prepared to have those carbs in and out more often than @XTreme's teeth.
  2. Fuk dat. You just need more powaz. Plus cheating. Cheating is good.
  3. Is yours injection or carb? It's pretty simple fabrication work and making space apart from the fuelling - carbs are a twat to set up as you have to effectively boost reference them. With FI you just bung bigger injectors in and map them on a dyno.
  4. My son has the Covid rash. I though he had a reaction to the washing powder or something but it looks just like that but not quite as bad. He has it from his navel and down his legs.
  5. You need to drink more water son!
  6. Yeah, one of the kids picked it up from nursery before Christmas and spread it to the rest of us. It gave me chronic achy balls for a few days - it's worth avoiding just for that!
  7. You hit the nail on the head when you said about the kidney infection. It's not just the primary viral infection that does damage, it's the secondary stuff too - it could be that if you were less fit or had an underlying kidney problem that you'd be on the slab. I don't know about you but my heart was pounding for a couple of days - that's the kind of shit that can kill someone with a weak heart. The extra workload the virus puts on your body is massive.
  8. Nope, I'm bristling with vim, vigour and covid.
  9. 23"?! Funking hell, I'm 34" - that's almost an entire nob length difference.
  10. I used to get something similar when I did my exploring stuff. Except for a few times I always went alone and got people banging on about how dangerous it was lurking about in abandoned buildings, mines, bunkers and hanging off sheer cliffs. Weird that those who knew me in real life didn't give a shit- probably because they were looking forward to the wake.
  11. From a new bod perspective it's clear that some of you have known each other for quite some time. That's no bad thing as it creates an atmosphere where conversations flow easily. I think however that it could be intimidating for some who haven't experienced a robust, bantery environment. My only criticism is the forum software - I'm really not getting on with it which puts me off.
  12. Nah, that would take more effort than I'm willing to expend.
  13. Faaaackin' 'ell, who let this twat in? @XTreme, you promised me high brow sophisticated entertainment, not the same old bell ends from "that place". I've half a mind to gether up my petticoats and high tail it out of here.
  14. Well I've got full on leathers and crotchless. Chaps are for perverts who ride Chinese bikes and Harleys.
  15. Is that in leathers or out?
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Oh, @Buckster, I'm nowhere near as much of a twat as XT.
  17. Yeah, alright mate. It's nice to see something new pop up. For those who don't know me, I get out only occasionally these days (wife, children etc). I mainly have sports bikes but I did go over some gravel in the road back in 2017 so I guess that counts as adventuring. For fun I enjoy fiddling with bikes, mainly making them faster so polishing, adding stickers, as many accessories as possible and the occasional turbo.
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