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Everything posted by Zzr

  1. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    When you annoy people as successfully as I do it pays to be cautious ?
  2. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    Course that was fucked when you outed me within minutes ?
  3. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    I like to not use the same username everywhere, I have a different one on Ukclimbing, Reddit and so on. Over time we give stuff away online, if someone was minded to try to put it all together they might know more than I want to publish.
  4. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    I think you will find that is Arch Cunt ? mine of the members on the other channel dislikes the NHS and me for working in it. so who is who over here? Like me not everyone has the same name.
  5. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    I don’t think he likes me ?
  6. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    Yup and my diluting water!
  7. Zzr

    Welcome Zzr

    Halllo Yup I’m James on the other channel. I’m surprised to have been invited really. Always figured I would be the wrong kind of Twat for this crowd.
  8. I was surprised to get the invite. Hallooo.
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